

2020-11-10    04'38''

主播: Pei你慢成长

41 1

1 / COVID antigen tests approved 新冠抗原检测试剂获批 China's top drug regulator has approved two antigen tests for COVID-19 that can produce results within 20 minutes, aimed at expediting management of suspected cases of the virus and boosting testing capacity. 国家药监局近**准了两个新冠病毒抗原检测试剂,产品检测时间在20分钟之内,可用于对疑似人群进行快速管理,提高检测能力。 Antigen tests, which detect proteins on the surface of the virus, are considered cheaper and faster, but less accurate than the widely used nucleic acid tests, which look for genetic traces of the virus in samples. 抗原检测的工作原理是检测病毒表面的蛋白质,比目前广泛应用的核酸检测价格要便宜、出结果更快,但准确度不如核酸检测。核酸检测的工作原理是在样本中检测病毒的基因痕迹。 The newly approved tests, developed by Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech Co and Beijing Jinwofu Bioengineering Technology Co, are the first antigen tests for COVID-19 to be approved by the National Medical Products Administration, it said in a statement released on Thursday. 国家药监局11月5日在声明中表示,新批准的这两个抗原检测试剂由广州万孚生物技术股份有限公司和北京金沃夫生物工程科技有限公司生产,这是我国首次批准新冠病毒抗原检测试剂。 The administration noted, however, that antigen tests alone cannot be used to confirm COVID-19 infection. "Antigen test results should be evaluated along with nucleic acid test results, CT imaging and epidemiologic history before making a diagnosis," it said. 但国家药监局提示,抗原检测不能单独用于新型冠状病毒感染的诊断,应结合核酸检测、影像学、流行病学史来判断感染状态。 重点词汇: epidemiologic 英 ['epi,di:miə'lɔdʒik,-kəl] 美 ['epi,di:miə'lɔdʒik,-kəl] adj. 流行病学的;传染病学的 2 / Stent prices to fall 90% 冠脉支架进入千元时代 Centralized procurement of coronary stents is expected to see prices in China fall by at least 90%. 国家组织的集中带量采购预计将让冠脉支架的价格下降超过9成。 The bulk-buy program is expected to make coronary stents, once priced at more than 10,000 yuan each, available to patients in Chinese hospitals for roughly 1,000 yuan for the treatment of coronary heart disease. It is estimated that the price reduction will save patients some 10.9 billion yuan a year in related expenses. 冠脉支架手术是治疗冠心病的医疗手段,单个支架的价格原来在1万元以上,经国家集中带量采购后价格可下降至1000元左右,预计每年将为患者节约109亿元左右的相关费用。 China has more than 330 million patients with heart disease, according to a report last year by the National Center for Cardiovascular Diseases. It said the number of patients receiving percutaneous coronary intervention - which uses stents to open narrowed arteries that supply heart muscle with blood - soared dramatically, from 230,000 in 2009 to more than 1 million last year. 国家心血管病中心去年发布的报告显示,我国心血管病患者人数超过3.3亿。从2009年到2019年,接受经皮冠状动脉介入治疗的患者人数从23万例剧增至超过100万例。经皮冠状动脉介入治疗是指为狭窄的冠状动脉管腔置入支架,从而改善心肌供血的治疗方法。 重点词汇: centralized 英 ['sentrəlaɪzd] 美 [ˈsentrəlaɪzd] adj. 集中的;中央集权的 v. 集中(centralize的过去分词) bulk-buy 批量购买 3 / Biden declares victory 候选人拜登宣布'胜选' US Democratic nominee Joe Biden declared victory in the 2020 presidential race on Saturday night, while US President Donald Trump refused to concede defeat. 美国民主党总统候选人乔•拜登11月7日晚宣布在2020年美国总统大选中获胜,而美国总统唐纳德•特朗普拒绝承认败选。 In a speech delivered from Wilmington, Delaware, Biden urged unity and reached out directly to Trump's supporters. "Let's give each other a chance," he said, urging Democrats and Republicans to "stop treating our opponents as our enemy." 拜登在特拉华州威尔明顿发表讲话,敦促人们团结一致,并直接向特朗普的支持者喊话。他说:“让我们给彼此一个机会吧。”他还敦促民主党人和共和党人“别再把对手当作敌人”。 Earlier in the day, Trump said that the 2020 election is "far from over," vowing to take legal actions. Biden's speech came a few hours after he had been projected by multiple US media outlets to have won over 270 electoral votes. Biden has made the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic a central issue of his presidential bid. 当天早些时候,特朗普表示2020年美国总统选举“远未结束”,并将提起诉讼。在拜登发表讲话的数小时前,多家美国媒体预测他已经赢得超过270张选举人票。拜登将新冠疫情作为他竞选总统的核心议题。 Biden said Saturday night that he will name a group of scientists and experts as "transition advisors" to convert his plan to respond to the pandemic into an action blueprint. 他在11月7日晚表示,将任命一批科学家和专家担任“过渡顾问”,把应对疫情的计划转变为行动蓝图。 重点词汇: concede 英 [kənˈsiːd] 美 [kənˈsiːd] vi. 让步 vt. 承认;退让;给予,容许 4 / First in line to the throne 日皇室举行'立皇嗣之礼' Japanese Emperor Naruhito's younger brother, Crown Prince Fumihito, was formally sworn in as first in line to the Chrysanthemum Throne in a traditional palace ritual on Sunday that has been postponed for seven months and scaled down due to the coronavirus pandemic. 日本皇室11月8日举行“立皇嗣之礼”,宣告日本德仁天皇的弟弟文仁亲王成为皇位第一顺位继承人。“立皇嗣之礼”原计划于今年4月举行,因受新冠疫情影响而推迟,规模也有所缩小。 The ceremony for the 54-year-old crown prince, better known as Prince Akishino, concludes a series of imperial succession rituals that began in May last year when Naruhito ascended to the throne after their 86-year-old father Akihito abdicated. 去年5月,在86岁的父亲明仁天皇退位后,德仁天皇继位。为今年54岁的文仁亲王举行的“立皇嗣之礼”也结束了自此之后的一系列皇位继承仪式。 重点词汇: Chrysanthemum Throne 天皇王位 abdicate 英 [ˈæbdɪkeɪt] 美 [ˈæbdɪkeɪt] vt. 退位;放弃 vi. 退位;放弃