Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the politics of beauty
By Jo Ellison
“If waking up and doing your make-up gives you life . . . you should do it.” So pronounces New York congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as she smooths cosmetics on her eyes.
It’s cheering to see an intelligent woman talking so freely about her love of make-up — one who is not ashamed to celebrate her looks. Women in politics tend to be cringingly bashful when talking about so-called girly subjects; it’s assumed a moral failure that any self-respecting feminist might want their lips to “pop”. Cosmetic maintenance is generally regarded as some kind of sexist cruelty.
In her memoir What Happened, Hillary Clinton recalls being appalled to discover that she spent 600 hours (or 25 days) of her 2016 campaign trail being beautified before events. “I’m not jealous of my male colleagues often, but I am when it comes to how they can just shower, shave, put on a suit and be ready to go,” she explains. By contrast: “The few times I’ve gone out in public without make-up, it’s made the news.”
It’s refreshing, then, to see a political firebrand like AOC, already well-versed in attracting media attention, deciding that instead of trying to hide her beauty rituals, she will share them with the world.
You can bang on all day about child care, health, education and how much you appreciate your husband. But if you really want to hold a gal’s attention, show them how to find their fire.