

2020-11-24    04'27''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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1 / Reusing textbooks meaningful 数据显示教材浪费惊人 In the past five years, about 2.8 billion school textbooks were sold per year, with total spending of 20 billion yuan ($3.04 billion), news magazine Outlook Weekly reported, citing data released recently by the National Press and Publication Administration.  《瞭望》新闻周刊引用国家新闻出版署近日公布的数据表示,近5年全国各类教材的零售数量,平均每年约28亿册、金额达200亿元。 If these textbooks are reused for one year, the costs saved can be used to help build about 40,000 Hope Schools in impoverished regions.  这些教材若循环使用一年,节约费用可援建约4万所希望小学。  Because of supply chains’ obstruction, which increases the costs to match supply with demand, and the lack of a sound platform and service supporting system for the second-hand textbook trade, most of the textbooks used for compulsory education and higher education end up as waste.  由于产业链梗阻加大供需匹配成本,而且二手教材市场缺乏完善的平台和服务体系支撑,多数义务教育阶段和高等教育阶段的教材最终都成了废品。  Also, the incomplete policies and regulations might bring second-hand book sales platforms and sellers legal risks. 此外,政策法规不完善可能让二手书销售平台及卖家遭遇法律风险。 重点词汇: impoverish 英 [ɪmˈpɒvərɪʃ] 美 [ɪmˈpɑːvərɪʃ] vt. 使贫穷;使枯竭 2 / Job outlook brightening 大陆高校就业前景良好 Graduates of universities on the Chinese mainland have been enjoying a rise in their job prospects over the past decade, with it now listed as the fifth-most competitive country or region in a higher education report.  过去十年,中国大陆高校的毕业生的就业形势持续改善,在近日的一份国家或地区高等教育就业竞争力榜单中,中国大陆排名升至第五。  The Times Higher Education magazine and French consultancy Emerging on Thursday released Employability Rankings 2020, a 10-year survey into the places that provide the best opportunities for graduating students around the world.  《泰晤士高等教育》和法国顾问公司Emerging于11月19日发布的"2020年全球就业竞争力排名"研究了过去十年全球范围内为毕业生提供最多机会的国家和地区。 The Chinese mainland's score increased by 132 percent, from 208 in 2010 to 481 this year. The study found that all Chinese mainland institutions either improved or maintained their previous rankings. 中国大陆的得分从2010年的208分提升至今年的481分,上涨了132%。研究发现,中国大陆高校的排名过去十年均有进步或维持原有水准。 重点词汇: employability 英 [ɪmˌplɔɪəˈbɪləti] 美 [ɪmˌplɔɪəˈbɪləti] n. 就业能力;[劳经] 受雇就业能力;受聘价值;可雇性 3/ US exits Open Skies Treaty 美国退出开放天空条约 The US said on Sunday that it officially withdrew from the Open Skies Treaty. "Today marks six months since the US submitted our notice of withdrawal from the Treaty on Open Skies," National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien said in a tweet.  美国政府11月22日宣布,即日起美国正式退出《开放天空条约》。美国国家安全顾问罗伯特•奥布莱恩发推文说:"自美国通报退出《开放天空条约》决定已过去6个月。  The Trump administration submitted the notice of its decision to withdraw from the treaty in May, and the Sunday announcement marked the end of a six-month notification process.  "特朗普政府于今年5月向该条约其他缔约国通报退约决定,11月22日的声明标志着为期6个月的通知程序的结束。 The treaty, which became effective in 2002, allows its 34 State Parties to conduct short-notice, unarmed reconnaissance flights over the others' entire territories to collect data on military forces and activities. By 2019, over 1,500 Open Skies flights have been conducted since the deal entered into force, according to media reports. 《开放天空条约》于2002年起生效。34个缔约国可按规定对彼此领土进行短时的非武装方式的空中侦察,以收集有关军事力量和活动的数据。据媒体报道,自条约生效以来,截至2019年,条约框架内总飞行架次超过1500次。 重点词汇: treaty 英 [ˈtriːti] 美 [ˈtriːti] n. 条约,协议;谈判 reconnaissance 英 [rɪˈkɒnɪsns] 美 [rɪˈkɑːnɪsns] n. [军] 侦察;勘测(等于reconnoissance);搜索;事先考查 4 / Double down on health measures 接种疫苗后仍需戴口罩 As several coronavirus vaccines inch closer toward FDA approval, the leading infectious disease expert in the US has called on the public to double down on public health measures.  就在好几种新冠疫苗正在等待美国食品和药物管理局的审批之时,美国顶级传染病专家安东尼•福奇博士呼吁民众坚持公共卫生措施。  Dr. Anthony Fauci, in a virtual discussion with The Hastings Center on Thursday, said the eventual vaccine is meant to protect the individual from getting sick from the coronavirus, but may not prevent that person from spreading the virus to others.  福奇11月19日在海斯汀中心参加虚拟讨论时表示,研发疫苗的最终目的是为了保护个人不因感染新冠病毒而生病,但可能无法防止接种者向他人传播病毒。 "We have the same issue with influenza,” Fauci said, "You can get vaccinated with influenza and you won't get sick, but it won't necessarily prevent you from getting infected – although you won't know you're infected because you'll either get mild or no symptoms." The same concept applies to the eventual COVID-19 vaccine, he said. 福奇称:"流感疫苗也存在这样的问题。你接种了流感疫苗后不会生病,但不一定会防止你感染流感病毒,不过由于你的症状轻微或没有症状,所以你并不知道自己被感染。" 他说,新冠疫苗的最终成品也是同理。 重点词汇: influenza 英 [ˌɪnfluˈenzə] 美 [ˌɪnfluˈenzə] n. [内科] 流行性感冒(简写flu);家畜流行性感冒