在今天的文章中,《纽约时报》著名书评人Pamela Paul 从自己在葬礼上带着口罩、不知如何擤鼻涕的经历说起,反思了口罩对于自身生活的改变,行文幽默而不乏巧思。口罩引发了她怎样的思考?长期与口罩共处,会给我们的精神生活带来怎样的深层影响?一起来听今天的讲解。
I've Been Wearing Masks for Months and I Still Have Questions
By Pamela Paul
Recently, at a funeral, I got to thinking about the lesser challenges of the mask. Not the should-you-or-shouldn't-you, which is settled science at this point, but the specific problem of how to cry with a mask on. The mask posed a new challenge: How to blow my nose discreetly and with enough frequency that I didn't wind up with a big wet splotch in the middle, surely a repellent look during a raging pandemic?
Worse, I hadn't worn black. That is to say, I had worn black clothing and a black coat, but the mask was light gray.
Goodness knows, I had mask issues. I forgot, repeatedly, not to apply lip balm. I smiled meaningfully at people, forgetting they couldn't see. Walking up a steep hill after the funeral with two old friends, I gasped and wheezed like an animal trapped under a damp blanket. "Can we stop for a minute?" I begged, while the two of them looked at me coolly, their expressions yogi-like, their breath inaudible.
天晓得,我的确跟口罩过不去。有好几次,我都忘了戴口罩的时候不能涂润唇膏。我依然会用微笑对别人传达我的好意,但却总忘了人家根本看不见。葬礼结束之后,我和两个老朋友沿着一个陡坡往上走,我气喘吁吁,像一个被湿毯子压住的动物。我恳求说:“我们能歇会儿吗?” 而两个朋友看着我,脸上的神情像瑜伽修行者一般平静,他们呼吸轻柔,无法听见。
When I got home, I faced the usual cacophony of masks scattered on the bench by the doorway. "Whose are these?" I raged. Some masks had been labeled, but a vast majority were inscrutable.
"Whose face does this belong to?" you'd find yourself wondering, and then wandering to a more existential place. "And who am I beneath this mask I wear?"