

2020-12-05    19'34''

主播: Pei你慢成长

96 1

800 万盲人出行难:导盲犬为何“一犬难求”? 今日导读 对于很多人来说,对于导盲犬的认识,或许可以追溯到 2004 年的日本电影《导盲犬小 Q》。对于出行举步维艰的盲人来说,导盲犬不仅是他们的家人、朋友,更无异于他们的第二 双眼睛。然而这么多年过去了,我们却依然极少能在公共场所看见导盲犬的身影,这背后反映的其实是中国庞大的盲人群体与稀缺的导盲犬之间的矛盾。中国的导盲犬为什么这么 少?培养一条导盲犬,到底需要耗费多少时间和精力?就让我们一起去中国第一家导盲犬培训基地一探究竟吧。 带着问题听讲解 哪些词可以用在数字前表示“大约”? guide dog和 service dog有什么区别? 根据文章,中国导盲犬短缺这一现象的背后有哪些原因? 正文 China has 8 million blind people, but only 200 guide dogs 中国有 800万盲人,但只有 200只导盲犬 According to state broadcaster CCTV, China only had some200guidedogsinserviceasofApril—whichmakes them even rarer than the giant pandas. The service dogs' scarcity is all the more striking considering the large number of people who could potentially benefit from their help. According to the World Health Organization, eight million Chinese are completely blind — roughly equal to the whole population ofSwitzerland. 根据国家电视台 CCTV的数据,截至四月,中国正在服役 的导盲犬只有约 200只,这使得它们比大熊猫还要稀有。考虑到其潜在受益人群在中国的庞大基数,这种服务犬的短 缺问题就显得更为突出。根据世界卫生组织的数据,中国有800万完全失明的人口——大致相当于瑞士的总人口。Founded in 2006, the Dalian China Guide Dog Training Center was the first of its kind in China. Wang Jingyu, an animal behavior expert, decided to train China's own guide dogs after noticing that, unlike their Western counterparts, blind Chinese athletes did not have guide dogs to help them during the 2004 Athens Paralympic Games. 成立于 2006年的中国导盲犬大连培训基地是中国第一家 导盲犬培训基地。动物行为专家王靖宇注意到,2004年雅典残奥会中,中国的盲人运动员不像外国的盲人运动员一样有导盲犬帮助,这使他下定决心,要训练出中国自己的导盲犬。 The puppies — mostly Golden Retrievers and Labradors, chosen for their gentle, friendly nature — are first sent to foster families for a year to learn to live with humans, before returning to the center for another year of professional training. Along the way, about 60% of the dogs will be disqualified and put up for adoption as pet dogs. The causes for disqualification can include showing aggression, having excessive energy, being overly sensitive to pressure, and suffering from car sickness. 被选中的幼犬大多是金毛猎犬和拉布拉多,因为它们性情温和友善。这些幼犬会首先被送到寄养家庭待上一年,学习如何与人类共同生活,随后会被送回培训基地,接受另外一年的专业培训。在这一过程中,大约有 60%的狗会被淘汰, 成为可供领养的宠物狗。淘汰的原因可能包括表现出攻击 性、精力过剩、对于压力过分敏感以及晕车。 The lack of funding is a key constraint for China's guide dog schools. In 2010, the Dalian government started to subsidize the center with 60,000 yuan ($9,106) for each guide dog it trains. The center also receives donations from the public, but they're often not enough to cover the cost — currently, it faces a 30% budget deficit. 对于中国的导盲犬学校来说,资金的匮乏是一个重要的限制 因素。2010年起,大连政府开始以每只导盲犬 6万元 (9106美元)的额度补贴这家培训基地。基地也接受来自社会各界的捐赠,但这些往往不足以覆盖开支——目前,这家基地面临着 30%的预算赤字。