

2020-12-11    23'33''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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上周,英国对辉瑞和BioNTech研发的新冠疫苗给予了紧急使用授权,成为首个为新冠疫苗放行的西方国家。紧接着在12月8日,英国率全球之先,从高龄族群与前线医护人员开始,大规模开打这款新冠疫苗,英国人将这一天称为“V-Day(胜利日)”,可以说,这是抗疫史上的一个里程碑事件。然而,这款疫苗的效果如何?是否会有不可逆的副作用?如果真的奏效,何时能够实现大规模供应?这是否意味着抗疫之战就此接近尾声?一起来听今天的讲解。 英文原文 U.K. Begins Rollout of Pfizer’s Covid-19 Vaccine in a First for the West 英国成为西方首个大规模接种辉瑞新冠疫苗的国家 By Joanna Sugden and Will Horner The U.K. became the first Western country to start distributing a Covid-19 vaccine to its population, rolling out a mass inoculation program that could provide a template for other countries of the practicalities and potential pitfalls of vaccinating at speed and scale. 英国成为首个对其国民进行新冠疫苗接种的西方国家,它开启的大规模疫苗接种计划,为其他国家快速大规模接种疫苗的可行性和潜在隐患提供了样本。 Less than a week after Britain granted emergency-use authorization for the shots developed by Pfizer Inc. and Germany’s BioNTech SE, the first people earmarked for the vaccine began to receive it across the U.K. on Tuesday. 辉瑞/BioNTech新冠疫苗获英国紧急使用授权不到一周,首批指定接种的人群已于周二开始在英国各地接种疫苗。 Those over 80 years old, nursing-home workers and other high-risk health-care staff were front of the line: a group estimated to number six million. 80岁以上的老年人,养老院工作人员和其他高危医护人员将会优先接种,预估约600万人。 The U.K. has ordered 40 million doses of the vaccine but the complex delivery process of the new shot—which requires a precisely timed deployment through an elaborate, temperature-controlled supply chain—has restricted the first stage of the rollout to 50 hospital hubs in England and a small number of other sites in the rest of the U.K. 英国已订购4000万剂疫苗,但是运输新疫苗的程序比较复杂,需要通过精细的温控供应链,精准定时部署,这限制了首批疫苗只能先在英格兰地区的五十家医院中心点以及英国其他地区的少数地点供应。 Health Secretary Matt Hancock said it was “an emotional day, tinged with worry.” 卫生部长马特·汉考克将这一天称为“激动人心的、略带紧张的一天”。 “This is an incredibly important moment on the march out of this pandemic,” he told the BBC. “But we’ve still got a long march to go this winter, and people need to keep respecting the rules and try to live in a way that if you have the virus, it infects as few people as possible.” 他在接受BBC的采访时说道:“这是摆脱疫情的一个极其重要的时刻。但是这个冬天我们还有很长的路要走,大家还是要继续遵守规则,如果自己也感染了病毒,尽可能少地感染其他人。”