

2020-12-18    04'02''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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1 / Spacecraft brings home samples '嫦五'携带月样安全着陆 The return capsule of China's Chang'e 5 probe touched down on its preset landing site in Siziwang banner of the Inner Mongolia autonomous region at 1:59 am on Thursday, bringing back the country's first samples collected from the moon, according to the China National Space Administration (CNSA).  国家航天局宣布,12月17日1时59分,嫦娥五号返回器携带我国首次月面采样获得的样品,在内蒙古四子王旗预定区域安全着陆。  Zhang Kejian, head of CNSA, declared the Chang'e 5 mission a success. It marks the successful conclusion of China's current three-step lunar exploration program of orbiting and landing, and bringing back samples, which began in 2004.  国家航天局局长张克俭宣布探月工程嫦娥五号任务取得圆满成功。嫦娥五号任务的成功标志着我国自2004年开启的探月工程"绕、落、回"三步走规划圆满完成。 The recovery team will do an initial processing of the capsule and then use a plane to transport it to Beijing, where it will be opened for technicians to remove the container holding lunar samples, the administration said. 国家航天局称,回收人员会对嫦娥五号返回器做必要的地面处理工作,之后会将其空运至北京开舱,取出样品容器及搭载物。 2 / Circuit breaker tightened 国际航班熔断措施调整 China's circuit breaker arrangement for international passenger flights was tightened on Wednesday to contain the spread of COVID-19.  为做好****疫情防控工作,我国12月16日起收紧对国际客运航班的熔断措施。  According to the Civil Aviation Administration of China, starting on Wednesday, if there are five passengers on a flight who test positive, the airline's flights will be suspended for two weeks.  民航局宣布,自即日起,航空公司同一航线航班,入境后核酸检测结果为阳性的旅客人数达到5个的,暂停该公司该航线运行2周。 The earlier regulation - introduced in June - suspended the airline's flights for one week if five passengers on a flight tested positive.  根据此前6月份发布的航班熔断规则,以上这种情况暂停该公司该航线运行1周。 The suspension will last for four weeks if 10 passengers test positive, which remains the same as the earlier regulation. 航空公司同一航线航班,入境后核酸检测结果为阳性的旅客人数达到10个的,暂停该公司该航线运行4周,这点和此前的规定相比没有变化。 重点词汇: circuit breaker n. [电]断路器;熔断机制 3 / 21 new 5A tourist attractions 国家5A级景区再增21家 China is planning to grant 5A ratings to 21 more tourist attractions, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism said Wednesday.  ***12月16日表示,21家旅游景区拟确定为国家5A级旅游景区。  The tourist zone of Daming Palace in Northwest China's Shaanxi province, one of the imperial palaces that date back to the Tang dynasty (618-907 A.D.), and the Taohuayuan scenic area, in Central China's Hunan province, are among the selected attractions.  位于陕西省、在唐代(公元618-907年)皇家宫殿遗址的基础上建设的的大明宫旅游景区,以及位于湖南省的桃花源旅游区均在名单之上。 Recommended by local tourism administrations and evaluated following standards and regulations set by the ministry, the list of the attractions is open for public review until Dec 25.  这些景区由当地旅游管理部门推荐,并按照***制定的标准和规定进行评估,公示期将持续至12月25日。 Being the topmost level in China's tourist attraction rating system, a 5A rating indicates exceptional overall tourism quality. 作为中国旅游景区等级评定体系中的最高级别,5A级表示景区质量等级优异。 重点词汇: topmost 英 [ˈtɒpməʊst] 美 [ˈtɑːpmoʊst] adj. 最高的;顶端的 4 / Baker creates stunning cake 巨型蛋糕致敬医护人员 A woman has baked a 6-ft cake of a nurse hugging Father Christmas to thank NHS staff for their life-saving work on the frontline. Rosie Dummer, 53, spent two weeks painstakingly preparing the giant cake, which served up 1,200 portions and weighed more than 190 kg.  为感谢英国国民医疗服务体系(NHS)的医护人员在抗疫前线治病救人,一名女子制作了一个6英尺(约合1.8米)高的"护士拥抱圣诞老人"蛋糕。53岁的罗西•达默用了两周的时间精心准备了这个巨型蛋糕,该蛋糕重量超过190千克,最后切成了1200份供人食用。  The mother of four from Manchester said she completed the cake in "record time" after spending up to 16 hours a day over two weeks crafting the edible treat.  达默来自曼彻斯特,是四个孩子的母亲。她说,自己在两周时间里每天花16个小时,用"创纪录的速度"完成了这个蛋糕的制作。 The 360,000 calorie dessert was presented to staff at the Royal Bolton Hospital on Dec 4 and fed 1,200 hungry workers after their shifts ended. 12月4日,这个热量达36万卡路里的甜品被送到皇家博尔顿医院,1200名刚下班、饥肠辘辘的医护人员吃到了蛋糕。 重点词汇: painstakingly 英 [ˈpeɪnzteɪkɪŋli] 美 [ˈpeɪnzteɪkɪŋli] adv. 煞费苦心地;费力地 重点单词怎么读? Hi everyone, here are words you should know from today's news. No.1 circuit breaker China's circuit breaker arrangement for international passenger flights was tightened on Wednesday to contain the spread of COVID-19.  No.2 topmost Being the topmost level in China's tourist attraction rating system, a 5A rating indicates exceptional overall tourism quality. No.3 painstakingly Rosie Dummer, 53, spent two weeks painstakingly preparing the giant cake, which served up 1,200 portions and weighed more than 190 kg.