

2021-01-04    22'56''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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一提到英国人,我们会联想到高冷、古板、矜持、克制等一系列关键词,这是我们对英国人的刻板印象,也是他们不管走到哪里都如影随形的枷锁。英国人的矜持,和斯多葛主义一脉相承,可以在危机到来之时,升级为一种坚忍的精神,一种面对苦难不低头的态度。关于英国人的矜持,我们有哪些误解?英国人真的一向如此高冷吗?一起来听今天的讲解。   英文原文  British Stoicism  英国人的斯多葛主义  By Olivier Guiberteau  We all lug stereotypes around, our perennial ball and chain. We British, according to many outsiders, are reserved, repressed, resilient, unemotional and self-controlled. Categorised by our “stiff upper lip” – the famous but now out-of-fashion form of extreme British stoicism – we are often pigeonholed as stunted stoics.  刻板印象总是和我们如影随形,是我们挣脱不掉的枷锁。在许多外人看来,我们英国人保守、克制、坚韧、不苟言笑,且有自制力。“绷紧的上唇”这一标签,是英国人极度矜持的代名词,虽然这种说法现在已经过时,但曾经人尽皆知。因为这个标签,英国人通常被看作是情感发育不良的斯多葛主义者。  Stoicism, which has its roots in Ancient Greece, originated as a philosophy of understanding pain and hardship and being able to deal with them without complaint. And it’s certainly true that there is a charming stoicism about the British, from the well-worn British mantra “keep calm and carry on” to the vehement belief that a cup of tea is the only appropriate response to a crisis.  斯多葛主义缘起于古希腊时期的一个哲学流派,主张去体会痛苦和磨难,并能够做到毫无怨言地应对。可以肯定地说,存在一种关于英国人的迷人的斯多葛主义,从“保持冷静,继续前进”这种老生常谈的口号,到“危机面前,饮饮茶”这种笃定的信念。  Visitors to the UK will notice that our lexicon comes with a wonderfully wide variety of phrases that encourage or urge on in the face of adversity. “Muddle through”, “plug away”, “chin up”, “soldier on”, to name just a few. Facing adversity with one’s head held high is an intoxicating image for British people.  游客们会注意到,英国的语汇里有大量各式各样鼓舞鞭策我们直面困难的短语。比如“扛过去”,“坚持不懈”,“振作起来”,“迎难而上”。面对苦难不低头,是令英国人陶醉的自我形象。  British stoicism reached its zenith during the first half of the 20th Century. The country emerged victorious from both World Wars but was appallingly scarred – both socially and economically.  英国人的斯多葛主义精神在20世纪前半叶达到了顶峰。虽然英国在两次世界大战中都获胜了,但是英国社会和经济都受到了空前的重创。