

2021-01-12    24'48''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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上周美国国会大厦遭受特朗普支持者冲击,让原本被很多人赋予美好希望的2021开年不利。虽然暴乱在当天就得到控制,但仍旧后续不断。即将下台的特朗普,会被追究国会大厦事件的责任吗?目前仍身为一国总统的他,如果被追责,又会面临什么样的后果呢?一起来听今天的讲解。   英文原文  Will Trump and His Republican Allies Ever Face Consequences?  特朗普和他的共和党盟友会受到惩罚吗?  By Spencer Bokat-Lindell  On Wednesday, a mob of President Trump’s supporters acting at his behest launched a destructive assault on the Capitol that led to the police fatally shooting a woman in the halls of Congress.  周三,一群特朗普总统的支持者在他的要求下,对国会大厦发动了破坏性袭击,在这次袭击中警方在国会大厅击毙了一名女性。  At the center of the campaign was President Trump, who has courted extremists like QAnon adherents and the Proud Boys in a bid to subvert the election. Politicians and pundits have proposed a few ways of holding him accountable.  这次活动的关键人物是特朗普总统,他向“匿名者Q”(QAnon)组织追随者和“骄傲男孩”(Proud Boys)组织等极端分子示好,企图颠覆选举结果。政界人士和专家提出了几种追责手段。  The 25th Amendment: The 25th Amendment of the Constitution allows for the removal of the president from office if the vice president and a majority of the cabinet determine that he is unfit.  第二十五条修正案:《宪法》第二十五条修正案规定,如果副总统和多数内阁成员认为在任总统不适合担任总统,可以将其免职。  Impeachment: Deeming him “too dangerous to leave in office for even another minute,” the Times columnist Bret Stephens argues Congress must immediately impeach and convict Mr. Trump, which could potentially bar him from ever holding office again.  弹劾:《纽约时报》专栏作家布雷特·斯蒂芬斯认为,特朗普“太危险,在总统的位置上一分钟都不能多待”,国会必须立即对其进行弹劾、定罪,这样可能将避免他以后再当总统。  Prosecution: Some have argued that at this point, simply removing Mr. Trump from office would be an insufficient punishment, given that participating in an attempted overthrow of the government is a federal crime.  起诉:一些人认为,鉴于参与政变未遂属于联邦罪行,目前仅仅罢免特朗普是不够的。  Deplatforming: After the mayhem on Wednesday, the president was suspended from Twitter for 12 hours and from Facebook for at least the next two weeks, but Greg Bensinger argues in The Times that the bans should be permanent.  关闭社交媒体账号:在周三的混乱之后,特朗普总统的Twitter账号被临时关闭12个小时,Facebook账号被冻结至少两周,但格雷格·本辛格在《纽约时报》上提出,特朗普的账号应该永久性关停。  【内容拓展】  托克维尔在《论美国的民主》中写道: “美国人的巨大优点,在于他们允许犯错误,而事后又能纠正错误。我认为,对于公务人员的甄选,一般说来也是如此。不难发现,美国的民主常在选择受托执政的人员方面犯错误;但要解释在被选错的人执政期间,美国为什么会照样繁荣,那就不容易了。”