

2021-01-13    23'15''

主播: Pei你慢成长

147 1

近年来,有研究发现,玩玩具不仅是孩子的娱乐方式,还可以作为一种治疗手法,引导孩子们说出过去的经历,表达复杂的情绪和感受。这其中的原理是什么?做游戏为什么会具有如此功能?一起来听今天的讲解。   英文原文  Play Therapy Can Help Kids Speak the Unspeakable  游戏疗法有助于引出孩子“难以名状”的经历  By Dani McClain  Dee Ray directs the Center for Play Therapy at the University of North Texas and often works in schools, where she sections off a 10 feet by 10 feet area in a classroom and fills the space with toys.  迪伊·雷是北得克萨斯州大学游戏疗法中心的负责人,她也常在中小学工作,她会从教室隔出一块100平方英尺的正方形区域,在那里摆满玩具。  Play therapists encourage children to express their thoughts and feelings through playing rather than by talking about what's happening in their lives.  游戏治疗师鼓励孩子们在游戏过程中表达自己的想法和感受,而不只是跟他们谈心,聊生活中发生的事情。  Ray practices child-centered play therapy, in which the therapist follows the child's lead while witnessing and narrating. In other approaches, the therapist eventually takes a more directive role, engaging the child in activities intended to teach something and reorient behavior.  雷的游戏疗法以孩子为中心,完全跟随孩子的节奏,观察并记录下他们的故事。而在其他疗法中,最终会以治疗师为主导,通过让孩子参加设计好的活动,来教会他们某种道理,或转变他们的行为。  What unites them all is the belief that play itself is therapeutic. The toys, musical instruments or art supplies aren't used to keep children busy or distracted while they talk through problems. Instead, play provides a sense of competency for children.  玩游戏本身就非常治愈,正是这种信念让他们聚在了一起。玩具、乐器或美术用品不是用来让孩子在谈心时有东西可玩,或故意让他们分心,相反,玩游戏会让孩子产生一种掌控感。  Play therapy can reach children who have experienced ongoing stressors or multiple traumatic events in a way that talk therapy can't, said Goodyear-Brown, co-founder of a treatment center. "There's so much wisdom inside little people, and they just don't have all the ways of showing and telling that adults do."  一家治疗中心的联合创始人古德伊尔·布朗表示,对于那些经历过持续的紧张性刺激或多次创伤性事件的孩子,谈心疗法无法触及他们的内心,游戏疗法却可以。她说:“小孩子其实很有智慧,只不过他们无法像成年人那样展示或表达出来。”  What many of these children have experienced is "unspeakable," she said in her 2018 TEDx talk, so leading with words isn't the way to reach them. Because some children's traumatic experiences began before language developed, encouraging a verbal account of what's happened might not elicit much.  古德伊尔2018年在TEDx演讲中表示,这类孩子大多有“不可言说”的经历,所以仅用语言开导难以让他们打开内心。有些孩子在还不太会说话时就经历了创伤,所以即便受到鼓励,他们也很难用语言把经历讲述出来。