

2021-01-19    04'48''

主播: Pei你慢成长

118 2

1 / COVID resurgence in China unlikely 疫情不会出现大幅反弹 It is highly unlikely China will experience a major resurgence of the novel coronavirus during the upcoming Spring Festival, given that the nation has created containment measures to quickly identify, isolate and control any possible outbreaks, a health official said on Wednesday. 1月13日,***联防联控机制召开新闻发布会,中国疾控中心副主任冯子健表示,春节期间新冠疫情应该不会出现大规模反弹,因为我国已经部署了各项措施,对可能出现的疫情能第一时间发现、隔离和控制。 图片 Feng Zijian, deputy director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said the center has gained more understanding of the novel coronavirus in the fight against the epidemic over more than a year. Large population movements and concentrations during Spring Festival, and an increasing number of parcels being delivered, will add to the risk of COVID-19 infection. 冯子健说,经过与****疫情斗争一年多,我们对新冠病毒有了较多的认识。春节期间人员流动大、聚集性活动多,同时物流加大,将增加疫情传播的风险。 However, as long as epidemic containment measures are strictly implemented, there will not be a large resurgence of the COVID-19 epidemic, he said at a news conference held by the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council. 但只要我们严格落实防控措施,就可以确保不发生大规模疫情反弹。 重点词汇 1. resurgence 英 /rɪˈsɜːdʒəns/ 美 /rɪˈsɜːrdʒəns/ n. 复活;再现;再起 2/ Public invited to name panda cubs 四只熊猫萌宝全球征名 A giant panda breeding base in Northwest China's Shaanxi province is inviting the public to give names for four panda cubs that were born last year. People can send their suggestions via email to rcqgpanda@qq.com before Jan 31, with the final names being unveiled in early February, the Qinling panda breeding and research center said. Participants in the campaign will have the opportunity to interact with pandas in the center at close range. 陕西秦岭大熊猫研究中心近日表示,正邀请公众为该中心去年出生的四只大熊猫宝宝取名。人们在1月31日前可将建议通过电子邮件发送至rcqgpanda@qq.com,2月初将公布征名结果。活动参与者将有机会获得与新生大熊猫近距离互动的机会。 图片 In 2020, four panda cubs were born in the center, including twin cubs. Giant pandas are one of the world's most endangered species and live mainly in the mountains of northern Sichuan province, as well as in southern parts of Gansu and Shaanxi provinces. 2020年,秦岭大熊猫研究中心成功繁育出4只大熊猫宝宝,其中还包括一对双胞胎。大熊猫是世界濒危物种之一,主要栖息地是四川北部、甘肃和陕西南部的山区。 重点词汇 1. cub 英 /kʌb/ 美 /kʌb/ n. 幼兽;不懂规矩的年轻人 vi. 生育幼兽 3/ Entry of foreigners suspended in Japan 日全面暂停外国人入境 Japan will suspend the entry of all nonresident foreign nationals into the country as part of its efforts to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said Wednesday. The restriction is expected to last until Feb 7, the last day of an ongoing state of emergency in the Tokyo metropolitan area and other parts of Japan. Japan halted all new arrivals of non-nationals last month after new strains of the coronavirus that are believed to be highly transmissible were confirmed in the UK and elsewhere. But it continued to allow entry by businesspeople from 11 Asian countries and regions. 日本首相菅义伟1月13日宣布,日本目前在首都圈及其他地区发布的紧急事态将一直持续至2月7日,在这期间,为遏制新冠病毒传播,日本将全面暂停外国人入境。上个月,在英国等地确认发现被认为具有高度传染性的变异新冠病毒后,日本暂停了所有非日本公民的新入境。但来自11个亚洲国家和地区的商务人士可以在一定情况下进入日本。 图片 The government plans to suspend the entry of travelers, regardless of whether a coronavirus variant has been detected in their country, as part of its tighter entry restrictions following the declaration of a state of emergency. No foreigners will be allowed to enter Japan, except for special reasons, such as a relative's funeral or childbirth. The government last Friday announced during the state of emergency all entrants, including Japanese national, would be required to submit proof of a negative coronavirus test taken within 72 hours of departure. 作为宣布紧急事态后收紧入境限制的一项措施,日本政府计划暂停所有外国旅客入境,无论其所在国是否检测到变异新冠病毒,亲属葬礼或分娩等特殊原因除外。日本政府1月8日宣布,在紧急事态期间,包括日本公民在内的所有入境者,均需提供72小时内核酸检测阴性证明。 重点词汇 1. transmissible 英 /trænz'mɪsəbl/ 美 /trænsˈmɪsəbl/ adj. 能传送的;能透射的;可传达的 2. detect 英 /dɪˈtekt/ 美 /dɪˈtekt/ vt. 察觉;发现;探测 4/ Trump impeached a second time 特朗普任内两次遭弹劾 The House of Representatives on Wednesday impeached Donald Trump for inciting a violent insurrection against the government of the US a week after he encouraged a mob of his supporters to storm the US Capitol, a historic condemnation that makes him the only American president to be charged twice. The deadly assault came as the House and Senate were in session to certify Joe Biden's victory in November's presidential election, a result Trump refused to accept. 在美国总统特朗普鼓动他的支持者冲击美国国会一周后,美国众议院1月13日正式弹劾特朗普,指控其煽动暴力叛乱。这一历史性的弹劾使得特朗普成为美国历史上首位遭弹劾两次的总统。一周前国会遭到致命袭击时,众议院和参议院正在召开联席会议来确认拜登在11月总统大选中胜出的结果,而特朗普拒绝接受这一结果。 Five people died during the siege, including a police officer. After his impeachment, Trump released a video statement belatedly condemning the violence and appealing to his supporters for calm ahead of Biden's inauguration next week. 5人在袭击中丧生,其中包括一名警察。遭到弹劾后,特朗普在一段视频中发表了迟来的声明,他谴责暴力,呼吁支持者在下周拜登就职典礼前保持冷静。 图片 Though consequences for Trump will not include premature removal from office, the Senate trial would not be entirely symbolic. Two-thirds of the 100-member body are required to convict a president, meaning 17 Republicans would have to join Democrats to render a guilty verdict. If convicted, it would then require only a simple majority to disqualify him from ever again holding public office. 尽管弹劾不会导致特朗普提前结束任期,参议院的审判也不完全是象征性的。100名参议员中需要有三分之二投赞成票才能给总统定罪,这意味着需要有17名共和党人站在民主党人一边才能判决有罪。如果特朗普被判有罪,只需要多数参议员通过,就能永久剥夺特朗普竞选公职的资格。 重点词汇 1. impeach 英 /ɪmˈpiːtʃ/ 美 /ɪmˈpiːtʃ/ vt. 弹劾;归咎;怀疑 n. 控告,检举;弹劾;怀疑 2. inauguration 英 /ɪˌnɔːɡjəˈreɪʃn/ 美 /ɪˌnɔːɡjəˈreɪʃn/ n. 就职典礼;开始,开创;开幕式 3. verdict 英 /ˈvɜːdɪkt/ 美 /ˈvɜːrdɪkt/ n. 结论;裁定