

2021-01-27    05'12''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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1 / Queen selling socks for £69 英王室电商卖货被嫌贵 Not even the Queen has escaped the financial fallout from coronavirus. But now Her Majesty is hoping to plug a £64 million hole in the royal finances by selling bed socks and hot-water bottles online. The new items on offer at the Royal Collection store come with hefty price tags, however, with the socks priced at £69 a pair. 即使是英国女王也没能逃脱新冠病毒带来的财政损失。现在女王陛下希望通过在网上兜售睡眠袜和热水袋来填补6400万英镑的王室财政窟窿。不过,英国皇家收藏基金会网店上新的商品价格高昂,袜子的价格为69英镑(约合人民币607元)一双。 图片 The website gushes: "Lovingly crafted and 100 percent cashmere, these luxurious bedtime socks are sumptuouslysoft and the perfect present." And just in case the cable-knit socks, available in silver and "natural" colors, are not warming enough, there are matching hot-water bottle covers, a steal at £115 – although that does include the rubber bottle itself. In contrast, the George at ASDA version is just £5. 网站上夸张地描述道:"这些奢华的睡眠袜采用100%羊绒制成,做工精美,柔软无比,是完美的礼物"。如果银色和"自然"色的麻花针袜子还不够暖和,网站还出售配套的热水袋,包括橡胶热水袋本身在内,售价仅为115英镑。而相比之下,类似的热水袋在阿斯达超市的售价仅为5英镑。 With royal palaces closed to visitors because of the pandemic, the Royal Collection's online shop is the only way it can sell souvenirs. 新冠疫情暴发以来,英国王宫不再对外开放,英国皇家收藏基金会网店便成为游客唯一能买到王室纪念品的地方。 重点词汇 1. hefty 英 /ˈhefti/ 美 /ˈhefti/ adj. 重的;肌肉发达的;异常大的 adv. 强有力地;非常 n. 体格健壮的人 2. gush 英 /ɡʌʃ/ 美 /ɡʌʃ/ n.涌流;感情奔放;过度的言行 vi.喷出;大量涌出;情绪过度地表露;过度热情 vt.涌出 3. sumptuously 英 /ˈsʌmptʃuəsli/ 美 /ˈsʌmptʃuəsli/ adv. 豪华地,奢侈地 2/ Student disqualified in the exam 口罩不遮鼻被取消成绩? A student taking Japan's standardized university entrance exams was disqualified Saturday for refusing to cover their nose with a facial mask, in violation of rules set by the exam operator to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. The operator said Sunday the test-taker in Tokyo disobeyed exam supervisors' instructions to cover the nose, despite being told to do so seven times in total. 1月16日,日本一名高考考生因违反考场规定,未听从指示用口罩遮住鼻子,而被取消考试资格与成绩。为防止新冠病毒传播,日本所有高考考生必须按规定戴口罩。考试中心负责人1月17日称,在东京都考场内,该考生虽然戴了口罩,但鼻子始终露在外面,监考老师一共提醒了这名考生7次。 图片 The National Center for University Entrance Examinations has said on its website and leaflets for students that people cannot take the exams unless they wear facial masks "correctly." The center allows those who cannot wear facial masks due to a medical condition to take the exams in a separate room, as long as they ask to do so one day prior to the tests. But the test-taker in question did not provide any special reason beforehand, it said. 日本大学入学考试中心在其网站和给学生的传单上指出,除非“正确”戴口罩,否则不能参加考试。因身体状况等原因不能戴口罩的考生,只要提前一天提出要求,考试中心允许考生在单独的房间参加考试。但这名考生事先并未提供任何特殊原因。 Organizers are taking strict anti-coronavirus measures in addition to requiring masks, such as social distancing, disinfecting students' hands, ensuring that venues are well-ventilated and that test-takers eat lunch alone. 除了要求戴口罩外,考试中心还采取了严格的抗新冠病毒措施,如保持社交距离、考生手部消毒、确保考场通风良好、考生单独吃午餐等。 重点词汇 1. prior 英 /ˈpraɪə(r)/ 美 /ˈpraɪər/ adj. (时间、顺序等)先前的;优先的 n. 男修道院副院长;托钵会会长;(非正式)犯罪前科;先验;(一些宗教教派中的社区)长老 2. disinfect 英 /ˌdɪsɪnˈfekt/ 美 /ˌdɪsɪnˈfekt/ vt. 将…消毒 3/ US COVID-19 deaths surpass 400K 美新冠死亡人数超40万 The number of confirmed COVID-19 deaths in the US surpassed the grim milestone of 400,000 on Tuesday, the last full day of Donald Trump's presidency. With the national confirmed cases topping 24.18 million, the death toll across the country rose to 400,292 on Tuesday, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University (JHU). That is nearly equal to the number of American military casualties in World War II, which stands at around 405,000, according to the Department of Veterans Affairs. 1月19日特朗普担任总统的最后一天,美国确诊新冠死亡病例数超过40万例,这是一个严峻的里程碑式的数字。根据约翰斯•霍普金斯大学的统计,截至当地时间1月19日下午3点22分,美国全国新冠确诊病例数突破2418万例,死亡病例数上升至400292例。根据退伍军人事务部的统计,这几乎相当于二战中美军阵亡人数,约为40.5万人。 图片 President Joe Biden, who was sworn in on Wednesday, hopes to administer 100 million doses of coronavirus vaccines in his first 100 days. He also signed an executive order requiring masks on federal property and during interstate travel, and is urging all Americans to wear face coverings for 100 days. 当选总统拜登将于当地时间1月20日宣誓就职,他希望在就职后100天内完成1亿剂新冠疫苗的接种工作。他还计划签署一项行政令,要求民众在联邦机构场所和跨州旅行时必须佩戴口罩。他还敦促所有美国民众戴口罩100天。 重点词汇 1. toll 英 /təʊl/ 美 /toʊl/ n. 通行费;代价;钟声;伤亡人数 vt. 征收;敲钟 vi. 鸣钟;征税 2. casualties 英 /ˈkæʒjʊəltiz/ 美 /ˈkæʒəwəltiz/ n. 伤亡;人员伤亡(casualty的复数) 4/ Foreigners punished with push-ups 不戴口罩游客做俯卧撑? Foreigners caught not wearing face masks on the Indonesian resort island of Bali are being subject to an unusual punishment: Push-ups. Video footage circulating on social media this week shows tourists in T-shirts and shorts being made to do the exercise in sweltering tropical heat as masked security officials stood over them. Bali authorities made wearing a face mask in public mandatory last year as Indonesia battled a raging COVID-19 outbreak. 在印尼度假胜地巴厘岛,不戴口罩的外国人将受到不同寻常的惩罚:做俯卧撑。本周在社交媒体上流传的视频显示,身穿T恤和短裤的游客在这个闷热的热带地区被强制做这项运动,带着口罩的警察站在他们旁边。去年,当印尼抗击肆虐的新冠疫情时,巴厘岛当局就规定在公共场合必须戴口罩。 图片 In recent days, however, scores of foreigners have been caught without face coverings, said security officials. More than 70 people paid a fine of 100,000 rupiah, but about 30 others said they did not have the cash. Instead, they were ordered to do push-ups. Those not carrying a mask had to do up to 50, while those who were wearing one improperly were punished with 15. Bali's authorities have also warned that foreigners who break virus regulations could be thrown out of the country. 但当地安全官员表示,最近几天,已有数十名外国人被抓到没有戴口罩。有70多人缴纳了10万印尼卢比(约合人民币46元)的罚款,但还有约30人表示没有现金。这些人被要求做俯卧撑来替代缴纳罚金。不戴口罩要被罚做最多50个俯卧撑,佩戴方式不正确则要被罚做15个。巴厘岛当局还警告说,外国公民如违反防疫规定或被驱逐出境。 重点词汇 1. sweltering 英 /ˈsweltərɪŋ/ 美 /ˈsweltərɪŋ/ adj. 炎热的;酷热的;热得难受的 v. 热得难受 (swelter的现在分词) 2. rupiah 英 /ru:'pi:ə/ 美 /rʊ'piə/ n. 印尼的货币单位,卢比