

2021-01-27    03'52''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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1 / Stipends for unattended children 25.3万事实孤儿纳入保障 More than 253,000 unattended children in China had received living stipends by the end of last year, a civil affairs official said on Monday. Each of the children, whose parents were absent and unable to take care of them for various reasons, received a monthly subsidy of 1,140 yuan, said Ni Chunxia, deputy director of the Ministry of Civil Affairs' child welfare department.  ***儿童福利司副司长倪春霞1月25日表示,截至2020年底,全国已有超过25.3万名事实无人抚养儿童被纳入保障范围,目前平均每人每月1140元。事实无人抚养儿童是指几种情形下父母无力履行抚养义务的儿童。  The measure was taken after 12 ministries and departments, including the Ministry of Civil Affairs, published a notice on strengthening the protection of de facto unattended children, which came into effect in January last year, she said. ***等12部门曾联合印发《关于进一步加强事实无人抚养儿童保障工作的意见》,自2020年1月起开始实施。 重点词汇 1. unattended children 留守儿童 2. stipend 英 /ˈstaɪpend/   美 /ˈstaɪpend/   n. (尤指神职人员的)生活津贴,薪俸;献仪 3. de facto 英 /ˌdeɪ ˈfæktəʊ/   美 /ˌdeɪ ˈfæktoʊ/   adj. 实际上存在的(不一定合法) adv. 实际上,事实上 2/ 100M COVID-19 cases worldwide 全球新冠病例数达1亿 The number of COVID-19 cases worldwide is expected to reach 100 million this week, Director-General of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said. "A year ago today, fewer than 1,500 cases of COVID-19 had been reported to WHO, including just 23 cases outside China. This week, we expect to reach 100 million reported cases," Tedros said at a WHO press briefing on Monday.  世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞在1月25日的例行记者会上表示,预计本周全球****确诊病例将达到1亿例。他说:"一年以前的今天,全球****确诊病例只有不到1500例,中国之外只有23例。而本周全球****确诊病例将达到1亿例。  "Numbers can make us numb to what they represent: every death is someone's parent, someone's partner, someone's child, someone's friend," he added, and called for vaccination of health workers and older people to be underway in all countries within the first 100 days of 2021.  数字可能会使人麻木,但每个数字背后都是一个人,是某个人的父母、伴侣、子女或者朋友。"他呼吁所有国家在今年前100天内启动对医护人员和老年人的新冠疫苗接种。 According to a new report from the International Labor Organization, which analyzes the impact of the pandemic on the global labor market, some 8.8% of global working hours were lost in 2020, resulting in a decline in global labor income equivalent to $3.7 trillion. 根据国际劳工组织最新发布的一份新冠疫情对全球劳动力市场影响的报告,2020年全球劳动时间因此损失约8.8%,导致全球劳动收入减少约3.7万亿美元。 重点词汇 1. equivalent 英 /ɪˈkwɪvələnt/   美 /ɪˈkwɪvələnt/   adj. (价值、数量、意义、重要性等)相等的,相同的 n. 相等的东西;等量;对应词 3/  Yellen 1st female treasury secretary 耶伦成美国首位女财长 The US Senate on Monday voted to approve President Joe Biden's nomination of former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen to be the next US treasury secretary, making her the first woman to hold the job. Yellen, a 74-year-old economist, will also be the first person to have served as treasury secretary, chair of the Council of Economic Advisors and chair of the Federal Reserve after the Senate confirmed her nomination by a vote of 84-15.  1月25日,美国参议院投票通过了总统拜登对前美联储主席珍妮特•耶伦的提名,耶伦由此成为美国首位女性财政部长。参议院以84票赞成、15票反对的结果通过了对耶伦的提名,这位现年74岁的经济学家也将成为首位担任过财政部长、经济顾问委员会主席和美联储主席的人。  At a confirmation hearing last week, Yellen said her first task as treasury secretary will be helping Americans endure the final months of this pandemic and keeping people safe while getting them back to work. Yellen also urged US Congress to "act big" with a new COVID-19 relief package, as the economic recovery is losing momentum amid surging coronavirus cases. 在上周的批准任命听证会上,耶伦表示,作为财政部长,她的第一项任务是帮助美国人度过这场大流行病的最后几个月,保证人们安全的同时让他们重新开始工作。由于新冠病毒感染病例激增,经济复苏乏力,耶伦还敦促美国国会"采取大动作",推出新的疫情纾困一揽子方案。 重点词汇 1. treasury 英 /ˈtreʒəri/   美 /ˈtreʒəri/   n. (英国、美国和其他一些国家的)财政部;(城堡等中的)金银财宝库,宝库 2. momentum 英 /məˈmentəm/   美 /moʊˈmentəm/   n. 推进力;动力;势头;冲力;动量 4/ Huawei denies rumors 华为否认出售手机业务 Huawei Technologies Co said on Monday it has no plans to sell its flagship smartphone brands. The comments came after some media reported Huawei is in talks to sell its premium smartphone brands P and Mate. "There is no merit to these rumors whatsoever.  近期有媒体报道称,华为正在洽谈出售其高端智能手机品牌P和MATE系列,华为1月25日回应称,完全没有出售手机业务的计划,类似传闻毫无根据。  We remain fully committed to our smartphone business, and will continue to deliver world-leading products and experiences for consumers around the world," Huawei said.  该公司将坚持打造全球领先的高端智能手机品牌,努力为消费者提供卓越的产品体验和服务。 重点词汇 1. premium 英 /ˈpriːmiəm/   美 /ˈpriːmiəm/   n. 保险费;额外费用;附加费 adj. 高昂的;优质的 2. merit 英 /ˈmerɪt/   美 /ˈmerɪt/  n. 优点,价值;功绩;功过 vt. 值得 vi. 应受报答 3. rumors 英 /ˈruːməz/   美 /ˈrumərz/   n. 谣言(rumor的第三人称单数和复数) v. 谣传 重点单词怎么读? No.1 unattendedchildren No.2 stipend More than 253,000 unattended children in China had received living stipends by the end of lastyear, a civil affairs official said on Monday.   No.3 de facto The measure was takenafter 12 ministries and departments, including the Ministry of Civil Affairs,published a notice on strengthening the protection of de facto unattendedchildren, which came into effect in January last year, she said.