1 / Male attractiveness a threat?
Attractiveness is not always an advantage, says Marko Pitesa, an assistant professor at the University of Maryland. It can backfire if you are perceived as a threat. Interestingly, in Pitesa's study, it was male attractiveness in particular, rather than female beauty, that made the most difference.

If the interviewer expected to work with the candidate as part of a team, then he preferred good-looking men. However, if the interviewer saw the candidate as a potential competitor, the interviewer discriminated in favor of unattractive men. There was still a preference to cooperate with the attractive man and compete against the unattractive man.
1. backfire
英 /ˌbækˈfaɪə(r)/ 美 /ˌbækˈfaɪər/
vi. 放出逆火;预先放火;产生出乎意料及事与愿违的结果
n. 逆火,回火
2. discriminate
英 /dɪˈskrɪmɪneɪt/ 美 /dɪˈskrɪmɪneɪt/
vt. 歧视;区别;辨别
vi. 区别;辨别
2/ France passes 'sensory heritage' law
From crowing roosters to the whiff of barnyard animals, the "sensory heritage" of France's countryside will now be protected by law from attempts to stifle the everyday aspects of rural life from newcomers looking for peace and quiet.

French senators on Thursday gave final approval to a law proposed in the wake of several high-profile conflicts between village residents and vacationers, or recent arrivals derided as "neo-rurals". Cow bells (and cow droppings), grasshopper chirps and noisy early-morning tractors are also now considered part of France's natural heritage that will be codified in its environmental legislation.
The law is emblematic of growing tensions in the countryside between longtime residents and outsiders whose bucolic expectations often clash with everyday realities. "Living in the countryside implies accepting some nuisances," Joel Giraud, the government's minister in charge of rural life, told lawmakers.
1. whiff
英 /wɪf/ 美 /wɪf/
n. 一点儿气味;一股气味;轻微的迹象(或感觉);一点点;些许;挥空(击球未中)
v. 有臭味;发臭;挥空棒(击球未中)
2. stifle
英 /ˈstaɪfl/ 美 /ˈstaɪfl/
3. deride
英 /dɪˈraɪd/ 美 /dɪˈraɪd/
vt. 嘲笑;嘲弄
4. codify
英 /ˈkəʊdɪfaɪ/ 美 /ˈkɑːdɪfaɪ/
vt. 编纂;将...编成法典;编成法典
5. emblematic
英 /ˌembləˈmætɪk/ 美 /ˌembləˈmætɪk/
adj. 象征的;可当标志的
6. bucolic
英 /bjuːˈkɒlɪk/ 美 /bjuːˈkɑːlɪ/]
adj. 牧歌的;牧羊的;乡下风味的
n. 田园诗;农夫
3/ Air pollution leads to migration
Air pollution does not respect national boundaries and environmental degradation will lead to mass migration in the future, said a leading barrister in the wake of a landmark migration ruling, as experts warned that government action must be taken as a matter of urgency.

Dr David R Boyd, UN special reporter on human rights and environment, told the Guardian: “Air pollution causes 7 million premature deaths annually, so it is understandable if people feel compelled to migrate in search of clean air to safeguard their health. Air pollution is a global public health disaster that does not get the attention it deserves because most of the people who die are poor or otherwise vulnerable.”
According to the Environmental Justice Foundation, one person every 1.3 seconds is forced to leave their homes and communities due to the climate crisis but millions lack legal protection. It has called on all countries to rapidly and fully implement the Paris climate agreement. Tens of millions of people are expected to be displaced by global heating in the next decade.
1. degradation
英 /ˌdeɡrəˈdeɪʃn/ 美 /ˌdeɡrəˈdeɪʃn/
n. 退化;降格,降级;堕落
2. barrister
英 /ˈbærɪstə(r)/ 美 /ˈbærɪstər/
n. 出庭律师,大律师,辩护律师(在英国有资格出席上级法庭进行辩护)
3. guardian
英 /ˈɡɑːdiən/ 美 /ˈɡɑːrdiən/
n. 《卫报》;[法] 监护人,保护人;守护者
adj. 守护的
4/ COVID jobs crisis 'most severe'
The pandemic caused an "unprecedented" hit to the global economy last year, destroying the equivalent of 225 million full-time jobs, the United Nations said.
The crisis caused an 8.8% drop in working hours - four times more than followed the 2008 financial crisis. Working hours in 2021 are likely to remain more than 3% lower than they were in 2019 - roughly the equivalent of 90 million full-time jobs, predicts the report, by the UN's International Labor Organization (ILO).

"This has been the most severe crisis for the world of work since the Great Depression of the 1930s," said ILO's director-general Guy Ryder. ILO said roughly half of the hours lost were due to firms cutting back on work. Employment also dropped by 114 million compared to 2019, as about 33 million people lost jobs, while the rest became "inactive" - either giving up work or looking for a job.
Regions such as Latin America, the Caribbean, southern Europe and southern Asia were particularly affected. The losses also disproportionately fell on women and young people.
1. disproportionately
英 /ˌdɪsprəˈpɔːʃənətli/
美 /ˌdɪsprəˈpɔːrʃənətli/
adv. 不成比例地