

2021-02-23    05'22''

主播: Pei你慢成长

148 3

1 / 'No1 central document' unveiled 2021中央一号文件公布 China unveiled its "No 1 central document" for 2021 on Sunday, stressing efforts to comprehensively push forward rural vitalization and accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas. 2021年中央一号文件于2月21日公布,提出全面推进乡村振兴、加快推进农业现代化。 During the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), the Communist Party of China will regard work concerning agriculture, rural areas and farmers as its top priority, the document said. "China will make the comprehensive advancement of rural vitalization a major task in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and will speed up the modernization of agriculture and the countryside with the efforts of the whole Party and society," according to the document. 文件指出,***认为,"十四五"时期,要坚持把解决好"三农"问题作为全党工作重中之重,把全面推进乡村振兴作为实现中华民族伟大复兴的一项重大任务,举全党全社会之力加快农业农村现代化。 图片 By 2025, China will see substantial progress in the modernization of agriculture and the countryside, with achievements seen for a more solid agricultural foundation, a narrower income gap between rural and urban residents, and basically realizing agricultural modernization where conditions permit, the document said. 文件提出,到2025年,农业农村现代化取得重要进展,农业基础更加稳固,城乡居民收入差距持续缩小,有条件的地区率先基本实现农业现代化。 China will set a five-year transition period for counties that have shaken off poverty and gradually shift the policy focus from poverty alleviation toward comprehensively promoting rural vitalization. The document emphasizes that the country must retain a "red line" of 1.2 billion hectares of arable land. The construction of 6.7 million hectares of high-standard farmland with high and stable yields regardless of drought and flood will be complete this year. 对摆脱贫困的县,从脱贫之日起设立5年过渡期,逐步实现由集中资源支持脱贫攻坚向全面推进乡村振兴平稳过渡。坚决守住18亿亩(1200万公顷)耕地红线。2021年建设1亿(约670万公顷)亩旱涝保收、高产稳产高标准农田。 重点词汇 1. rejuvenation 英 /rɪˌdʒuːvɪˈneɪʃən/ 美 /rɪˌdʒuvəˈneɪʃən/ n. 更新;复苏;〔生〕复壮;回春作用 2. hectare 英 /ˈhekteə(r)/ 美 /ˈhekter/ n. 公顷(土地丈量单位,等于1万平方米或约2.5英亩) 2/ Virus fight in 'late stage of suppression' 国内疫情进入扑灭阶段 China has entered the "late stage of suppression" of the COVID-19 pandemic after a year's efforts, said Gao Fu, the head of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. "Through one year's efforts, different countries around the world achieved varying results in pandemic control. 2月19日,中国疾病预防控制中心主任高福在《中国疾病预防控制中心周报》上发表文章称,在一年的努力之后,中国已进入了新冠疫情最后的扑灭阶段。高福指出,经过一年的努力,世界各国在疫情控制方面取得了不同的成果。 图片 In some countries like China, the pandemic has been well controlled, while in other countries the situation is still grim," Gao said in an editorial published in China CDC Weekly on Friday. 在一些国家,如中国,疫情得到了很好的控制;而在另一些国家,形势依然严峻。 By Feb 3, 31 million doses of inactivated COVID-19 vaccines had been administered in China, he said. "As vaccination started smoothly and progressed as scheduled, the China CDC has been closely monitoring vaccination coverage and adverse events following immunization," he said. "The data shows that the reported rate of serious adverse events is no higher than that of the influenza vaccine, reflecting the fact that the currently used inactivated COVID-19 vaccines are safe." 截至2021年2月3日,中国已接种新冠灭活疫苗3100万剂。高福提到,随着疫苗接种工作的顺利开展和按期推进,中国疾控中心一直在密切监测疫苗接种覆盖率和疫苗接种后不良事件。数据显示,报告的严重不良事件发生率并没比流感疫苗高,这反映了目前使用的新冠灭活疫苗是安全的。 重点词汇 1. grim 英 /ɡrɪm/ 美 /ɡrɪm/ adj. 严肃的;坚定的;阴冷的;令人不快的;令人沮丧的;无吸引力的;阴森的;凄凉的 2. influenza 英 /ˌɪnfluˈenzə/ 美 /ˌɪnfluˈenzə/ n. 同 flu;流行性感冒;流感 3/ Chinese official language of UNWTO 中文成为UNWTO官方语言 The United Nations World Tourism Organization and the Spanish government have officially announced on Jan 25 Chinese formally became an official language of the organization. Chinese joins English, Spanish, French, Arabic and Russian, bringing the number of official languages for the body to six. 近日,联合国世界旅游组织(UNWTO)和西班牙政府正式通报,自2021年1月25日起,中文正式成为UNWTO官方语言。自此,UNWTO的官方语言在英文、西班牙文、法文、阿拉伯文、俄文这五种语言之外又增加了中文。 图片 The UN World Tourism Organization is the world's most influential intergovernmental international tourism organization. It has 159 member states and is headquartered in Madrid, with Spain as its depositary government. China joined the organization in 1983. UNWTO是全球最具影响力的政府间国际旅游组织,现有159个成员国,总部设在西班牙马德里,西班牙为其存约国。中国于1983年加入该组织。 重点词汇 1. United Nations World Tourism Organization 联合国世界旅游组织 2. be headquartered in 总部设在…… 3. depositary 英 /dɪˈpɒzɪtəri/ 美 /dəˈpɑzɪˌtɛri/ n. 受托人;受托公司;储藏所 adj. 存款的;用作储藏所的 4/ Djokovic wins Australian Open 德约科维奇9夺澳网冠军 Serbian tennis legend Novak Djokovic claimed a historic ninth Australian Open championship on Sunday night, beating Daniil Medvedev of Russia, 7-5, 6-2, 6-2 in the final. It was a surprisingly convincing win for Djokovic who remains unbeaten in all nine of the Australian Open finals he has played at Rod Laver Arena. 当地时间2月21日晚,塞尔维亚网球传奇德约科维奇在罗德•拉沃尔球场举行的澳大利亚网球公开赛男单决赛中以7-5/6-2/6-2直落三盘击败俄罗斯网球选手梅德韦杰夫,个人职业生涯第九次夺得澳网男单冠军,创造了历史。至此,德约科维奇共九次打进澳网男单决赛,九次全部夺冠。 图片 Djokovic overcame an abdominal injury, sustained mid-tournament, to survive the remaining rounds, and eventually dominate the final battle. "It has been definitely emotionally the most challenging Grand Slam that I ever had with everything that was happening, injury, off-the-court stuff, quarantines," Djokovic said. "It has been, least to say, a roller-coaster ride in the last four weeks." 这场胜利对他来说既令人信服又出乎意料。德约科维奇在克服了腹部伤痛,经历了艰难的晋级赛后,最终在决赛中夺冠。德约科维奇表示:"由于有受伤、场外因素、隔离等情况,这是我参加过的情绪上最具挑战性的大满贯赛。不夸张地说,过去四周,就像坐过山车似的。" 重点词汇 1. abdominal 英 [æbˈdɒmɪnl] 美 [æbˈdɑːmɪnl] adj. 腹部的 n. 腹肌 2. off-the-court stuff 场外因素 3. roller-coaster 过山车