

2021-02-24    04'15''

主播: Pei你慢成长

172 3

1 / China to boost green, low-carbon economy 建立绿色低碳循环经济 The State Council has released a guideline to accelerate the development of a green and low-carbon circular economic development system. The guideline urges efforts to firmly implement the new development philosophy, boost efficiency in the use of resources, strengthen protection of the ecological environment and effectively control greenhouse gas emissions.  ***近日印发《关于加快建立健全绿色低碳循环发展经济体系的指导意见》。《指导意见》提出,坚定不移贯彻新发展理念,使发展建立在高效利用资源、严格保护生态环境、有效控制温室气体排放的基础上。  By 2025, China will see a marked rise in the scale of green industries, a continued drop in major pollutants and a slashed carbon emission intensity, according to the guideline. By 2035, energy and resource utilization efficiency in key industries and key products is expected to reach an internationally advanced level, and the goal to build a beautiful China will be basically reached.  《指导意见》明确,到2025年,绿色产业比重显著提升,主要污染物排放总量持续减少,碳排放强度明显降低。到2035年,重点行业、重点产品能源资源利用效率达到国际先进水平,美丽中国建设目标基本实现。 To meet the targets, the document outlines key measures, including the development of green and low-carbon production, consumption and circulation systems. China has announced it will strive to peak carbon dioxide emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. 为达到目标,《指导意见》部署了重点工作任务,包括健全绿色低碳循环发展的生产体系、消费体系和流通体系。我国已制定目标,二氧化碳排放力争在2030年前达峰,努力争取2060年实现碳中和。 重点词汇 1. pollutant 英 [pəˈluːtənt]   美 [pəˈluːtənt]   n. 污染物;污染物质 2. neutrality 英 [njuːˈtræləti]   美 [nuːˈtræləti]   n. 中立;中立状态 2/ 1,421 fugitives returned to China '天网'追回外逃人员1421人 China brought back 1,421 fugitives last year who were suspected of crimes, with 2.95 billion yuan in illegal gains recovered, the country's anti-graft agencies said on Monday. Among the fugitives were 28 who appeared on Interpol red notices, which are international listings of wanted criminals, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China and the National Supervisory Commission said in a statement.  中央纪委国家监委2月22日发布声明称,"天网2020"行动共追回涉嫌职务犯罪外逃人员1421人,其中"红通人员"28人,追回赃款29.5亿元。  Despite the pandemic, the number of fugitives brought back last year was the second-highest since the Fugitive Repatriation and Asset Recovery Office of the Central Anti-Corruption Coordination Group was established in 2014. 去年,各级纪检监察机关克服疫情影响,追回外逃人员总数仍创2014年中央追逃办成立以来第二好成绩。 重点词汇 1. anti-graft 英 [ˈænti ɡrɑːft]   美 [ˈænti ɡræft]   反贪污;反腐败 2. fugitive 英 [ˈfjuːdʒətɪv]   美 [ˈfjuːdʒətɪv]   n. 逃亡者;逃跑者;亡命者 adj. 逃亡的;逃跑的;短暂的;易逝的 3/  Sino-German trade ties deepen 中德双边贸易逆势上涨 China was Germany's most important trading partner in 2020 for the fifth consecutive year, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) announced on Monday. Despite the coronavirus crisis, foreign trade turnover with China increased 3 percent compared to 2019, with goods worth 212.1 billion euros traded between China and Germany last year, according to figures from Destatis.  德国联邦统计局2月22日公布的数据显示,尽管受到新冠疫情影响,但2020年中国和德国双边贸易总额同比增长3%,约为2121亿欧元,中国连续第五年成为德国最重要贸易伙伴。  Germany's second and third most important trading partners were the Netherlands and the US, with foreign trade at 172.8 billion euros and 171.6 billion euros, respectively, according to Destatis. Compared to 2019, however, Germany's foreign trade with both countries declined 8.7 and 9.7 percent, respectively. 德国的第二和第三大贸易伙伴分别为荷兰、美国。2020年德荷、德美双边贸易总额分别为1728亿欧元和1716亿欧元,同比分别减少8.7%和9.7%。 重点词汇 1. consecutive 英 [kənˈsekjətɪv]   美 [kənˈsekjətɪv]   adj. 连续不断的 4/ US COVID-19 deaths top 500,000 美新冠死亡病例超50万 The US reached the grim milestone of half a million coronavirus deaths on Monday, according to the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University. With the national case count topping 28.1 million, the death toll across the US rose to 500,071 as of 4:24 pm local time, according to the data.  约翰斯•霍普金斯大学系统科学与工程中心发布的数据显示,截至美国东部时间2月22日16时24分,美国累计新冠死亡病例超过50万例,达500071例,累计确诊病例超过2810万例。  California replaced New York to become the US state with the most fatalities, standing at 49,439. New York reported the country's second-largest death toll of 46,917, followed by Texas with 42,291 deaths and Florida with 30,065 deaths, the CSSE tally showed. 数据显示,加利福尼亚州超过纽约州,成为美国累计新冠死亡病例最多的州,该州新冠死亡病例数达49439例;其次是纽约州,为46917例;得克萨斯州累计死亡病例为42291例,佛罗里达州为30,065例。 重点词汇 1. fatalities 英 [fəˈtælɪtiz]   美 [fəˈtælɪtiz]   n. (事故、战争、疾病等中的)死亡;(疾病的)致命性;宿命;听天由命;天数(fatality的复数)