

2021-03-02    25'20''

主播: Pei你慢成长

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脱欧会毁掉英国时尚业吗?  英国与欧盟已经达成英国脱欧后贸易协议,但是协议条款却在英国时尚界掀起了轩然大波。数百名时尚界人士联名上书首相,痛陈协议无视了时尚从业者的利益,或将给英国时尚行业带来严重威胁。这些业界人士究竟在担心什么?脱欧又会给英国时尚行业带来怎样的影响呢?一起来听Mat老师的讲解。   英文原文  Could Brexit Destroy British Fashion?  脱欧会毁了英国时尚业吗?  By Elizabeth Paton  More than 450 leading fashion industry figures, including designers like Paul Smith and Katherine Hamnett, have sent an irate letter to 10 Downing Street.  包括设计师保罗·史密斯和凯瑟琳·哈玛尼特在内的四百五十多名时尚界领军人物,将一封饱含怒气的联名信递交到了英国首相府邸唐宁街10号。  In it, signatories claimed that the newly inked Brexit trade terms negotiated between the European Union and Britain could threaten the survival of hundreds of fashion businesses “disregarded” by the last-minute deal. The local industry, the letter said, was potentially facing “decimation” thanks to the newly redrawn geography of Europe.  在这封信中,署名作者们声称,最近英国与欧盟协商签署的贸易协定条款可能会威胁到几百家时装企业的生存,这个最后时刻达成的协议无视了这些企业的利益。这封信指出,由于脱欧协议重画了欧洲版图,英国本土的时尚业可能会元气大伤。  Fashion contributes “more to UK GDP than fishing, music, film, pharmaceuticals and automobile industries combined,” stated the letter, addressed to prime minister Boris Johnson.  这封呈递给首相鲍里斯·约翰逊的信写道,时尚业“为英国贡献的GDP比渔业、音乐行业、电影业、制药业和汽车行业加起来还多”。  Over the past five years, homegrown start-up brands, international luxury houses, top London design schools and rural textile producers had all expressed concerns over whether Britain would maintain its reputation as a creative and commercial hub for fashion once Brexit took place.  在过去五年之中,对于英国是否在脱欧之后还能保持住自己时尚业创意和商业中心的地位,英国本土的创业品牌、国际奢侈品公司、伦敦顶级的设计院校以及农村地区的纺织品制造商都表达过忧虑。  42 percent of all British luxury goods are exported to the EU. Now, Britain-based fashion brands are contending with mountains of new customs procedures and taxes, where one erroneously checked box or stroke of the pen can mean time-consuming delays or fines.  在英国全部的奢侈品商品中,有百分之四十二是出口到欧盟。现在,设立在英国的时尚品牌不得不面对大量新的海关程序和层层税收。在这种情况下,包裹的一次检查出错,或是海关官员的轻轻一笔,可能就意味着费时的延迟或者罚款。  Katherine Hamnett, the veteran fashion designer long known for her plain speech, summed up the situation for her peers. “If there isn’t a radical overhaul,” she said, “British brands will die.”  资深时尚设计师凯瑟琳·哈玛尼特长期以来一直以说话坦率闻名。她这样为同行们总结目前的情况:“如果不做出根本上的改变,英国的品牌就死定了。”