

2019-11-04    04'39''

主播: 我爱的Chloe🌺

140 1

I've always viewed life from the side lines Just watching it passing me by In the past, too afraid to just let go and live And lately too tired to try 我把一生过成了一位旁观者 总站在彼岸权衡自己的得失 结果眼看着时间从掌心溜走 年轻时害怕失败 年纪大了又力不从心 I've envied the people around me So invested in living each day While I spent my time hiding out from the world And searching for ways to escape 我曾嫉妒旁人能全情投入地生活 而我只能害怕地躲在角落 看着别人上演精彩剧情 For most of my life I truly believed I was here to help somebody else But now it's so clear it was just an excuse To avoid living life for myself 纵观过去 我曾坚信 自己是为别人而活 所以不能轻举妄动 如今我才明白那只是个借口 是我不求上进的借口 It's sad that our lives and the pain we endure Can weaken our strength to move on But if we get lost in the scars of our past Without knowing our lives will be gone 苦难和疼痛会削弱我们的意志 但如果迷失在过去的伤疤里 就会忘记时间从来不等人 It's true, people are disappointing They can turn in the blink of an eye But we can't avoid hurting each other When we all want a chance at this life 诚然生活中的一些人会让你失望 他们可能转眼就面目全非 可为了获得人生中的宝贵机会 人们注定免不了互相伤害 But there's something I've learned through the wisdom of age A truth about all of our lives And that is no matter what path we each take In the end, we just want to survive 历经世事年岁渐长我才恍然大悟 不论我们走上哪条路 到头来 那都是每个人为生存作出的选择 So the time has now come to conquer my fears And to stand up and face a new day Let the hurts of my past wash away with my tears And stop letting my life slip away 是时候克服心中的恐惧勇敢地去生活了 站起来 走出去 迎接新的一天 让过去的伤痛随着眼泪流淌进岁月的长河 我要在所剩无几的人生里散发出光和热
上一期: 享受的那些时光
下一期: 时光是一只小虫