Florence-Crooked Still(英文歌)

Florence-Crooked Still(英文歌)

2018-06-19    03'27''

主播: 寻米

957 16

Not many years their rounds shall roll 似水光阴终将逝 Each moment brings it nigh 天高海深总有尽 and all your glories stand revealed 你的才华总有一天会展现 to our admiring eye 我们总是那样的羡慕你 Your wills of nature speed your course 你的意志帮你度过重重难关 Your mortal powers decay 如果只是个凡人这是何等销蚀 Fast as you bring the night of death 艰难的夜,就快过了 you bring eternal day 永恒之日即将来临 You weary heavy-laden souls 你感到厌倦,灵魂是那样不堪重负 Who are oppressed sore 遭受了重重压迫 You travelers through the wilderness 穿行于荒郊野岭 to Canaan's peaceful shore 去追寻那片安宁祥和的乐土 Through beating winds and chilly rains 簌簌寒风阴雨绵绵 and waters deep and cold 雨水重重地击打在你身上,刺骨的寒 And enemies surrounding you 敌人向你逼近 have courage and be bold 你勇敢且无所畏惧 The storms and hurricanes arise 狂风暴雨 The desert all around 一望无际的沙漠将我们包围 and fiery serpents often appear 口吐火焰的怪蛇再三 through the enchanted ground 从施了魔法的地底钻出 Dark nights and clouds and gloomy fear 漆黑的夜,云层阴郁而恐怖 and dragons often roar 火龙向我们咆啸 When the gospel trump we hear 当福音的号角响起 we'll press for Canaan's shore 希望的彼岸就在眼前 Dark nights and clouds and gloomy fear 漆黑的夜,云层阴郁而恐怖 and dragons often roar 火龙向我们咆啸 But when the gospel trump we hear 但当福音的号角响起 we'll press for Canaan's shore 希望的彼岸就在眼前
上一期: 圣母颂
下一期: 江南小调-苏云(纯音乐)