Intermediate(中级) - Hit the Jackpot (C0017)2008

Intermediate(中级) - Hit the Jackpot (C0017)2008

2015-12-29    09'46''

主播: PeterHuang

46962 185

A: Oye, una pregunta: ¿qu´e har´ıas t´u si te sacaras el gordo y te premiaran con $20.000.000? Question: What would you do if you hit the big one and you won $20,000,000? B: Guao, ¿qu´e har´ıa. . . ? Pues comprar´ıa una casa. . . una parte la invertir´ıa... y ver´ıa c´omo ayudar a alguna organizaci ´on. . . Wow, what would I do. . . ? Well, I would buy a house. . . invest part of it. . . and I would see how I could help some charity. . . A: Y a m´ı, ¿no me regalar´ıas nada? What about me? You wouldn’t give me anything? B: ¡Te invitar´ıa a cenar o a un viaje, todo pagado! ¿Por qu´e? ¿Qui´en se sac´o la loter´ıa? I would invite you to dinner, or on a trip, all expenses paid! Why? Who won the lottery? A: Nadie, estoy nada m´as so˜nando. Nobody, I’m just daydreaming. B: Bueno, ¿t´u qu´e har´ıas? So what would you do? A: Yo pagar´ıa la mitad de mis deudas, y la otra mitad, ¡que esperen! I would pay half of my debts, and the other half. . . they can wait! Key Vocabulary sacar Verb to win gordo Adjective big one premiar Verb to award regalar Verb to give as a gift loter´ıa Noun lottery so˜nar Verb daydreaming deuda Noun debt mitad Noun half pr´estamo Noun loan impuesto Noun tax porcentaje Noun percentage millonario Noun millionaire caridad Noun charity
上一期: Newbie - Buying dinnerware