sheep in a shop p. 1-22

sheep in a shop p. 1-22

2017-02-10    08'31''

主播: 萱萱amy12.10.04

37 0

Sheep in a shop Nancy Shaw A birthday’s coming! Hip hooray! Five sheep shop for the big, big day. Sheep find rackets. Sheep find rockets. Sheep find jackets full of pockets. Sheep find blocks. Sheep wind clocks. Sheep try trains. Sheep fly planes. Sheep climb. Sheep grumble. Sheep reach. Sheep fumble. Sheep sprawl. Boxes tumble. Sheep put back the beach ball stack. They choose some ribbon from the rack. What can they swap to pay the shop? Sheep clip wool, three bags full. Sheep trade. The bill is paid. Sheep hop home in the warm spring sun. They’re ready for some birthday fun. 羊儿们的生日快到啦,该怎样过一个愉快的生日呢,于是他们决定去商店购买礼物来庆祝自己的生日。他们欢快的进入了商店,哇哦,商店里摆满了各式各样的东西,球拍、火箭、有很多口袋的夹克、积木、时钟、火车玩具、飞机玩具,和好多颜色图形不同的沙滩球。。。。。。羊儿们挑选了好多的商品作为礼物,还决定要买一颗海滩球。不过,他们更想要展示区那个够不到的球,于是他们爬上去拿球,球没拿稳,就摔了下来,球也散落一地...到了付钱的时候却发现钱没有带足够,该怎么办呢?有了,羊儿们想了一个好办法,他们把身上的毛剪一些下来当作商品进行交换,不一会儿他们就抱着礼物开开心心离开商店准备回去过生日啦! 2. 重点单词与词组(word family): 1) sheep 绵羊 shop 商店 2)racket 网球拍 jacket 夹克衫、外套 3)rocket火箭 pocket 口袋 4)find 找到 wind给钟表上发条 5)block积木 clock 钟表 6)train 火车 plane 飞机 7)beach 沙滩 reach 够到 out of reach 够不到 8)grumble 抱怨、嘟囔 fumble 漏接球 tumble倒塌 jumble混乱 9)fall 摔下 ball球 10)back回来 stack堆积 rack架子 11)bank储蓄罐(银行) clank 当啷声 12)blink眨眼睛 think思考 13) wool羊毛 full满满的 14)trade售卖 paid 付款 15)sun 太阳 fun快乐