

2018-09-17    05'05''

主播: 萱悦虞逸苑💐

132 1

stomach['st^mək] ['ɔːgən] 1n.(organ) 胃 ['æbdəmεn] 2n.(abdomen) 腹部 3vt.容忍 ◣ Today, I started feeling sick to my stomach. I tried to soothe it with some Ramen, which helped for a while. 今天,我感觉胃不舒服,我吃了点面条以减轻一点痛苦。 ✔ Today ✔ started feeling 我开始觉得 sick to my stomach 我的胃 ✔ I tried to soothe it 安抚它 with some ramen ✔ which helped for a while 帮助一会儿 for a while 片刻 ✔ ◢ ◣ Another doctor from the hospital said one of the tourists had been hit in the stomach and the other in the head. 医院另外一位医生说,其中一位游客腹部中弹,另外一位被击中头部 ✔ Another doctor from 另一个医生 he hospital said 医院说 one of …之一 the tourists had been hit 游客被击中 in the stomach 胃里 and the other in the head 和其他的头✔◢ ◣ and hot water, easy to burn the mouth, esophagus, can cause stomach absorption slowed. 而过热的水,容易灼伤口腔、食道,会造成胃部吸收减缓。 and hot water✔ 而过热的水 easy to burn 容易烧 the mouth esophagus ✔can cause stomach absorption slowed 胃吸收放缓✔◢ ◣ No, I've had a fever for a few days and I am sick to my stomach. 不好,我发烧了,胃也不舒服。 I've had a fever for 发烧 a few days am sick to my stomach 我胃不舒服✔◢ ◣ That go right down to the bottom of the stomach as you inhale . 在你吸气时候这气会带到腹部的下方 ✔ that go right down to 直到 the bottom of 的底部 the stomach as you inhale 当你吸气时✔◢ ◣ I was beginning to feel very sick to my stomach and had a pounding headache. 我开始感到胃很难受,头也一阵阵的疼 was beginning to feel very sick 开始觉得很—— to my stomsch had a pounding headache✔◢ ◣ Yeah, my stomach is in knots, and i can't seem to catch my breath. 是的,我胃不舒服,感觉喘不过气来。 can't seen to catch my breath 喘口气✔◢
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