words.  Unit2~Unit3

words. Unit2~Unit3

2018-10-04    27'04''

主播: 萱悦虞逸苑💐

185 1

[] on foot[ɔn fut] [] They made their way up north on foot [] by[baɪ] [] it's broader by a metre to play by the rules it's all right by me [] taix ['tæksɪ] [] He goes to work by taxi. Where can I get a taxi? [] ship[ʃɪp] [] The ship stayed to the north. 船向北驶去。 I 'm chief officer on a ship. 我是一艘船的船长。 She went back to the ship. 她重新回到了船上 to be on board ship 在船上 [] subway['s^bweɪ] [] Is there a subway station near here? 这附近有地铁站吗? [] train[treɪn] [] a train of events [] slow [] I began to walk slower and slower [] down[daun] [] They're down on the ground floor They live down in London They've gone down south to London They walked down the steps. She lives down the street. He walked down the road. it's all down to hard work to down tools slow down [|sloʊdaʊn] [] stop[stɔp] [] [] MPS [] Mrs Smith sucked in a deep breath. 史密斯夫人深深吸了一口气。 [] early ['əːlɪ] [] [] helmet['hεlmɪt] must[m^st] wear[wεər] attention[ə'tεnʃən] pay attention to traffic['træfɪk] traffic lights [ Please turn left at the traffic lights . 请在红绿灯处向左转。 Turn left at the traffic lights. 在红绿灯处向左拐 The traffic lights weren't working. 红绿灯坏了。 traffic lights 红绿灯 ] travel['trævl] half. [hɒːf] [] half an hour 半小时 [] price[praɪs] [] What is the price of a good education? 优质的教育价值几许? What is the price of that green coat? 那件绿大衣要多少钱? What is the price of that dress? 那件连衣裙多少钱?这是英语题怎么翻译? what is the price of...? …多少钱? [] Festival['fεstɪvəl] Autumn Mid~[mɪd] Mid~Autumn~ festival together [tə'gεðər] get together [] Let's get together this evening for some beers. 我们晚上一起喝点儿啤酒吧。 beer[bɪər] would you like a beer? 你想喝一瓶啤酒吗? [] mooncake [muːn keɪk] poem ['pəuɪm] moon [muːn] ✔