desk [dεsk]~~My keys have disappeared off the desk in my office.我放在办公桌上的钥匙不见了。
table['teɪbl]~to lay/ set the table摆餐桌~set the table摆餐桌~“lay the table”的变体~The cat is under the table.猫在桌子下面~ta[tɒː]You gotta give me some answers.你必须回答我的一些问题~tab[tæb] ~to pick up the tab付账 ~able['eɪbl]~The giant frog is ableto jump three metres大青蛙能够跳3米远~table['teɪbl] a piece of furniture一件家具,桌子。
plate[pleɪt] ~a plate of cakes/biscuits一盘蛋糕/饼干~late[leɪt] ~in the late afternoon
傍晚~ate[eɪt] eat的过去式~I ate it all, I ate all of it我把它全都吃了~I know, I ate it all
是吗?但我都吃光了。~i ate it all up我把它全吃光了~eat[iːt] ~to have a bite to eat
吃点东西~at[æt] ~we had dinner at a restaurant我们在一家饭店吃了饭~at school在学校
cupboard['k^bəd]~can put that in the cupboard.可以把那个放到碗柜里~There is a built cupboard in the living room客厅里有个组合柜
co~cop~I suck honey fromthe cup我从杯里吸蜂蜜~
boa[|boʊə]~boar[bɔ:(r)] ~board[bɔːd]~
cigarette[sɪgə'rεt]~to have a drink/a cigarette喝一杯/抽支烟
television['tεlɪvɪʒən]~to be on television~由电视播放~You'll have a radio, a color television, a telephone and a newspaper delivered to your room every day.房间里有一台收音机、一台彩色电视机、一部电话,每天还有一份报纸送到您的房间。~You should buy a color television.你应该买一台彩色电视机。
televise['tεlɪvaɪz]~Which channel is going to televise this match?哪个频道要转播这场球赛?
floor[flɔːr] ~on the floor在地板上~ground floor[BRIT] 一楼~first floor[BRIT] 二楼~top floor顶层
table['teɪbl]~to hoist o.s. onto a table自己爬到桌子上了~
dressing table
dress[drεs]~dressing['drεsɪŋ]~dressing table~dressing room
magazine [mægə'ziːn] ~He writes for a news magazine.他为一本新闻杂志撰稿
bed[bεd]~bedstead[|bedsted] 床架
newspaper['njuːzpeɪpər] ~I read it in a newspaper我在报纸上看到的~new~spa~par
stereo. ['stεrɪəu]n立体声装置adj.立体声的
in stereo 用立体声
new words and expressions
express[ɪks'prεs]~to express o.s.表达自己的意思~expressions~judging by/ from his expression从他的表情上判断