听故事学英文|狮子与野猪 The Lion and the Boar

听故事学英文|狮子与野猪 The Lion and the Boar

2016-09-05    05'16''

主播: LeoCurve

175 2

微信公众号:曲线英语 The Lion and the Boar On a summer day, when the great heat induced a general thirst, a Lion and a Boar came at the same moment to a small well to drink. They fiercely disputed which of them should drink first, and were soon engaged in the agonies of a mortal combat. On their stopping on a sudden to take breath for the fiercer renewal of the strife, they saw some Vultures waiting in the distance to feast on the one which should fall first. They at once made up their quarrel, saying:"It is better for us to make friends,than to become the food of Crows or Vultures, as will certainly happen if we are disabled." Those who strive are often watched by others who will take advantageoftheirdefeat to benefit themselves. 狮子和野猪 炎热的夏季,难耐的酷暑使人口渴,一只狮子和一只野猪同时来到一个小泉边喝水。他们立刻为谁应该先喝水而争吵起来,很快,争吵升级成了战争,他们互相攻击,斗得你死我活。就在他们喘气休息时,忽然看见几只秃鹰正坐在岩石上,显然他们正在等着看谁先败下阵来,接着就会冲过来吃掉那个尸体。一看到秃鹰,他们立刻停止了争斗,说:“我们还是成为朋友吧,总比相互争斗并被秃鹰吃掉好多了。” vocabulary 1.engaged in be engaged in 参与;从事于;忙于 2.renewal [rɪ'njuːəl] n. 更新,恢复;复兴;补充;革新;续借;重申 3.fierce [fɪəs] adj.凶猛的;猛烈的;暴躁的 fiercer 比较级 fiercely ['fɪəslɪ] adv. 猛烈地;厉害地 4.strife [straɪf] n. 冲突;争吵;不和 5.strive [straɪv] vi. 努力;奋斗;抗争 6.agony ['æɡəni] n. 苦恼;极大的痛苦;临死的挣扎 in agony痛苦不堪 7. mortal ['mɔrtl] adj. 凡人的;致死的;终有一死的;不共戴天的 n. 人类,凡人 mortal combat 殊死搏斗 9. feast [fiːst] n. 筵席,宴会;节日 vt. 享受;款待,宴请 vi. 享受;参加宴会 feast on 尽情欣赏;尽情享受;大吃大喝 10.crow [krəʊ] n. [鸟] 乌鸦;鸡鸣;撬棍 vi. 啼叫;报晓 11. disabled [dɪs'eɪbld] adj. 残废的,有缺陷的 v. 使…失去能力(disable的过去分词) 12. vulture ['vʌltʃɚ] n. 秃鹰,秃鹫;贪婪的人 13. make up 和解;调节 It is very hard to make up the quarrel between the couple. 很难调解这对夫妇之间的争吵。 She came back and they made up. 她回来了,他们和好了。 一组一组记单词 duce- 引导 1.induce [ɪn'dus] vt. 诱导;引起;引诱;感应 Herbal teas can help induce sleep. 花草茶是能够引起你的睡意。 名词形式 in duction Labor induction 引产 2. seduce [sɪ'dʊs] vt. 引诱;诱惑;诱奸;怂恿 She has set out to seduceStephen. 她已开始勾引斯蒂芬 名词形式 勾引 seduction 例:Her methods of seduction are subtle. 她勾引人的手法很巧妙。 语法 Grammar It is better for us to make friends, than to become the food of Crows orVultures, as will certainly happen if we are disabled. as 引导非限制性定语从句,一般不指代某个具体的名词或代词,而是代表整个主句或主句的一部分。这种从句可放在主句之前,也可以放在主句之后,有时还可以放在主句的中间。如: As is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress. 正如在报纸上所报道的,两国间的谈判有所进展。 Grammar is not a set of dead rules, as has been said above. 如上所说,语法不是一套死条文。 Spiders are not insects, as many people think, nor even nearly related to them. 蜘蛛不是昆虫,尽管许多人都这样认为,它甚至与昆虫几乎没有联系。