英文绘本阅读 My Dad

英文绘本阅读 My Dad

2017-10-29    02'09''

主播: 泽妈读绘本

194 1

He’s all right, my dad. My dad isn’t afraid of ANYTHING, even the Big Bad Wolf. He can jump right over the moon, and walk on a tightrope( without falling off). He can wrestle with giants, or win the fathers’ race on sports day, easily. He’s all right, my dad. My dad can eat like a horse, and he can swim like a fish. He’s as strong as a gorilla, and as happy as a hippopotamus. He’s all right, my dad. My dad’s as big as a house, and as soft as my teddy. He’s as wise as an owl, except when he tries to help. He’s all right, my dad. My dad’s a great dancer, and a brilliant singer. He’s fantastic at soccer, and he makes me laugh. A lot. I love my dad. And you know what? HE LOVES ME! (And he always will.)