英文绘本阅读 Spot Loves his Dad

英文绘本阅读 Spot Loves his Dad

2016-10-12    04'31''

主播: Miss Yang英语课堂

193 0

Spot Loves his Dad Spot is happy. He and his dad are spending the whole day togegther. They play football at the park. Someone else wants to play. Then Spot flies his kite. "This is fun, Dad!" says Spot. It's feeding time for the ducks. "Quack, Quack!" Dad buys ice-cream at the beach. "Yummy!" says Spot. At home, Dad reads a special bedtime story to Spot. "Thanks, Dad. I love you," says Spot. "I love you, too," says Dad. 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~