1. It’s Friday again. I hope you have spent a wonderful Christmas. 虽然圣诞已过,但是我们依然有节日的氛围。所以今天给大家放的歌曲是Ariana的圣诞新单Santa Tell Me. Today is 26th of December, the day after Christmas. It is also a festival, we call Boxing Day. What is Boxing Day? 有的同学说啊,boxing不是拳击么?难道西方人今天都要看拳击比赛么?Certainly not. Boxing Day是节礼日,在过去,英国的皇宫贵族会在这一天会送给仆人Christmas Boxes,作为他们圣诞节前辛勤工作的奖励。But now, it seems that Boxing Day has become a festival for shopping, coz a lot of things will be on sale after Christmas. On sale, 打折。节礼日到了今天似乎更像购物狂欢节,因为圣诞节后都有大折扣。
2. 说到购物啊,我就回想起每一次冲动的买买买。而一谈到冲动,似乎又马上想到了一个星座——白羊座。我们今天就一起聊一聊这个冲动又可爱的星座,Aries. Aries is the first star sign in spring. When spring comes, people are more likely to be impulsive. Impulsive, 冲动的。If you describe someone as impulsive, you mean that they do things suddenly without thinking about them carefully first. So, you could say some Aries people might be impulsive. 关于Aries这个名字的来源,一种说法是来自白羊座的守护神战神Ares, or you might know his Roman name, Mars.。Mars也是火星的意思,它是白羊座的守护星,所以Aries是非常典型的火象星座。因为有许多祭奠战神Ares or Mars的节日在三月,所以英文中的March三月也是来自Mars. And people who are born approximately between March 21st and April 19th come under the sign of Aries. 三月属于白羊座,在3月21日到4月19日之间出生的朋友都是白羊座。Aries白羊座的性格很像战神Ares, they are very energetic,精力充沛的,能量energy的形容词,energetic , which means someone who is full of energy. Aries people are also optimistic and self-confident. Optimistic,乐观的,与之相对的,pessimistic,悲观的。They have a lot of friends, because they are very frank. Frank,坦率的。But if they’re going too straight forward, they are sometimes rather annoying for their sharp tongue. Sharp尖锐的,sharp tongue尖锐的舌头,可以译作毒舌。过于直白可能就会比较毒舌了。Do you have such Aries friends around you? Or are you Aries like this?
3. Alright, 今天我们还是要讲星座的希腊故事。那么白羊座的朋友可能就会问,我的这头羊是哪儿来的?它又为什么变成了星座?那我们就一起来探寻。
国王听信了Ino,下令把Phrixus处死。当王子被送上祭坛的那一刹那,众神的使者Hermes接受了王子生母的请求,让Phrixus的姐姐Helle骑着一头公羊带王子逃走。公羊载着Phrixus和Helle,一起穿过山河大海,Phrixus顺利在黑海边登陆,但是他的姐姐在途中不幸坠海身亡。Phrixu悲痛欲绝,将姐姐坠亡的海命名为Helle Sea。而他为了感激自己得救,将公羊献祭给众神之神Zeus, 后来Zeus 把这头羊升上天空,成为了白羊座。
4. 我们白羊座的这头羊就是故事当中救人一命的英雄,它机敏而勇敢,正如白羊座的人。So this is our story today. Hope you like this little brave hero. And also hope you have learned more about the star sign, Aries. Next week, we’re going to talk about Taurus,金牛座。 This is Shelly, from 优才英语秀。