优才英语秀- Been a Long Day-Kelly | 何丹彤

优才英语秀- Been a Long Day-Kelly | 何丹彤

2015-01-14    04'19''

主播: 新东方优才计划

674 74

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. You are listening to English show presented by Only for the Top One. This is Kelly on Wednesday, the day when we finally see the first snow of this winter even though it’s basically impossible to see a snowflake in the downtown. I always thought only people from southern cities will get so excited about snow but the truth I found out today is that so is everyone. This is the moment when I realized how amazing the nature is to bring people joy and peace simply by spreading these little angles to the world. Even today these angles are almost invisible. And today’s music goes perfectly well with the weather. The singer and songwriter I’m going to introduce to you today is Rosi Golan from Israel who has made many stops in her travels, including Germany, Paris and finally ending up in Los Angeles at the age of nine. She can speak five languages. Rosi Golan. she showed her unique talent for rich, dark melodies and a voice that not only draws you in, but still haunts you the next day. The song you can hear now is called “Been a Long Day”. It's been long day And I just want to hideaway It's been a long year And Everyone around me's disappeared It's been a long year And all this mess around me's finally cleared So can I have a moment just to say hello Can you let your anger go? It's been a long year And I'm feeling ready to be here... Hope the music can bring you some comfort after a long day. 相关词汇 invisible 隐形的,看不见的 haunt 闹鬼/萦绕于