

2015-01-16    04'18''

主播: 新东方优才计划

787 91

Cancer巨蟹座希腊神话故事 By Shelly, from Only for the Top One 1. Cancer,巨蟹座。大家可能听说得更多的是Cancer的另一个意思。其实Cancer在拉丁文的本意就是螃蟹。后来人们观察到肿瘤及其附近的血管很像一只螃蟹,便用Cancer来指代癌症。 2. When I hear Cancer, the star sign, I often think of the hot summer, since it is the start of the lovely season. I like summer so much, and I also like the people who are just like summer. Born in summer, most Cancer people are normally creative and imaginative. However, their characters are not so typical as the sun. Instead, they tend to be somehow introverted and sensitive. 巨蟹座的人出生于炎炎夏日,大多富有创造力和想象力,但他们的性格更趋于内向,内心细腻而敏感。我们形容人内向,可以说introverted, 相反的,外向则是extroverted. 一个向里,一个向外。巨蟹座温润的性格源自他们的守护神Artemis, or we call Diana in Roman Mythology. Artemis是希腊神话中的月亮女神。所以巨蟹座的人可以说是在月光照耀下诞生的,虽不如太阳耀眼,却有独特的魅力和优雅。Cancer people are also seen as family-oriented, oriented,以…为导向。So, family-oriented, 以家庭为导向,也就是顾家的。No matter they are men or women, Cancers can generally take well care of others. Probably, a Cancer is an ideal choice for marriage. 3. 巨蟹座希腊故事 天神Zeus是希腊神话中出了名的playboy, 他有一个私生子,叫Heracles, 也就是之前故事里提到的大力神。Zeus 的妻子Hera为了报复丈夫的背叛,暗中帮助Heracles的兄弟Eurystheus夺取本该Heracles的王位。后来Heracles请求神谕,神谕要Heracles完成Eurystheus布置的任务,方可为他正名。这些任务都十分艰巨,其中第二项是杀死在勒拿湖的一只九头怪Hydra。当Heracles正与九头怪兽争斗时,Hera偷偷派遣了一只大螃蟹来捣乱。这只巨蟹用钳子紧紧地夹住Heracles的脚,但大力神Heracles还是用棒子打死了巨蟹、杀死了九头怪,完成了不可能完成的任务。这只巨蟹便被升上天空成为了巨蟹座。 4. 下周预告: Leo狮子座希腊神话 Background music: 《可以不可以》—姚贝娜