优才英语秀-wedding traditions-Ashley丨张雅欣

优才英语秀-wedding traditions-Ashley丨张雅欣

2015-03-23    07'05''

主播: 新东方优才计划

2228 100

Bridal Sedans and Red Umbrellas, China 坐花轿和红伞 中国 A traditional Chinese wedding features a full procession, with the bride escorted to the ceremony in a bridal sedan. Red is a powerful colour in Chinese weddings, symbolising boldness, luck, and love. According to tradition, the bride wears a red veil to hide her face, and her mother or attendant holds a red umbrella over the bride's head, a superstition to encourage fertility and grow her own family. 传统中国婚礼的特色就是会有很长一串的新娘礼车护送队。红色是中国婚礼的主色,象征勇敢、幸福和爱情。按照传统,新娘会穿红色礼服并用喜帕盖住脸,新娘的母亲或伴娘会打红伞,迷信的说法是这会让她好生养 A Goose for the Bride, Korea 给新娘的鹅,朝鲜 According to Korean tradition, grooms once gave their new mother-in-laws wild geese or ducks; they're monogamous animals and represent the groom's pure intentions and loyalty to his bride. In a more modern reincarnation, brides and grooms exchange wooden geese and ducks on their wedding day as a sign of their commitment. 根据朝鲜的传统,新郎们要给未来丈母娘送野生的鹅或鸳鸯;因为他们是一夫一妻制动物,这代表新郎对新娘的诚意和忠诚。在现代传统中,婚礼的当天新人要相互交换木质的鹅和鸭子作为他们相互承诺的标志。 Log Cutting, Germany 锯木头,德国 In Germany, newlyweds must instantly put their bond to the test by working together to saw a log in half in front of all their guests. The act is intended to showcase the bride and groom's ability to work together and to face the obstacles that may come throughout their marriage. 在德国,新婚夫妇要合作完成一个测试——当着宾客的面把木头锯成两半。预示着这双新人可以一同努力面对他们婚姻生活中的障碍。 Unity Bowl, Australia 同心碗 澳大利亚 An Australian wedding ceremony might feature the tradition of a Unity Bowl. Guests are given stones and asked to hold them during the ceremony. At the end, guests place the stones in a decorative bowl that the couple will keep and display afterwards, to remind them of the support and presence of their friends and family. 在澳洲婚礼传统有一个叫做同心碗的仪式。宾客们每人都有块小石头,婚礼全程都要握紧它。仪式结束,客人把石头放在一个漂亮的容器。新人会将这个装满客人支持和爱意的容器带回家。