

2015-04-26    07'49''

主播: 新东方优才计划

2255 153

Good evening everyone. This is Michelle from the English Show presented by Only for the Top One of Beijing New Oriental School. Today, we are going to share something interesting with you. Every princess lives a happy life with her prince charming at the end of the story. So what Disney princesses really taught us about love? What Disney Princesses Really Taught Us About Love Mother’s wise words have had a big influence on our love lives, but not nearly as much as the love advice we received from those other wise women from childhood, the Disney princesses. Ariel taught us that guys dig long legs, Cinderella showed us how to get a guy to chase us (not to mention the importance of a pedicure), and Snow White made sure we knew it was okay to sleep in a house full of seven men as long as you didn’t actually do anything. Embark with us on a journey to a faraway land of fairytale love where we decode the love lessons from each princess and show just how sensible these love lessons are. 母亲们的箴言对我们的感情生活会有很大影响,但是却不及迪斯尼公主们的爱情建议对我们的影响深远。她们是我们在童年时候就熟识的智慧女性。小美人鱼告诉我们男人都喜欢长腿姑娘,灰姑娘教会我们怎样才能让男人追着我们跑,更不用说修脚的重要性了。白雪公主让我们明白只要你循规蹈矩,住在有七个男人的屋子里也没关系。现在跟我一起出发我们来一趟去往遥远童话国度的旅程吧。解读每位公主的恋爱课程,顺便看看这些课程为什么会有道理。 Cinderella Teaches Us the Right Way to Play Hard to Get Playing hard to get is as easy as turning a pumpkin into a carriage. If that sounds challenging, just follow in Cinderella’s pedicured footsteps. First to give him a hint of where to find you, leave your shoes at the club. That way, he can look for you all over the city, and be heartbroken every time some girl’s foot doesn’t fit the slipper you left behind. Oh, and not to mention that it’s a sure way to verify his devotion to you; how can you refuse a guy who has touched hundreds of women’s dirty feet just to get to you? Then, you should probably marry the man who you just met since his committed search for you is proof alone that you will have a happy, long lasting, faithful marriage. As long as you don’t mind that your new husband has a raging foot fetish, you’ll truly live happily ever after. 欲擒故纵跟把南瓜变成马车一样容易。觉得有挑战,那就跟上灰姑娘熟练的脚步吧。先给他个暗示要去哪里才能找到你,把你的高跟鞋留在你们相识的夜总会。这样他就会翻遍全城,到处找你。每次别的女孩穿不上你留下的鞋子,他都会心碎,感到黯然神伤。噢,你怎么能拒绝这样一个男人—他碰过那么多女人的脚丫只是为了找到你!要是遇到这样的男人就嫁了吧。因为单单这段漫长的找寻,就足以证明你们的婚姻会幸福长久忠诚。只要你不介意你老公有恋足癖。你们一定会永远幸福的生活在一起。 Belle Teaches Us That You Can Change Your Man into Whatever You Want Him to Be No matter how much of a monster he was before you met him, he just needs the love a good woman to turn him into Prince Charming. If you’re having trouble getting your boyfriend to even change his dirty socks, it just means you’re not trying hard enough. A sparkly gold dress might help. 不管在你们相遇之前他是怎样的怪物。他只是需要一个好姑娘的爱把他变回成白马王子。如果你都没办法让你男朋友换掉脏袜子,只能说你努力得还不够。闪闪发光的金裙子可能会帮到你。 Snow White Teaches Us How to Sleep Around And Still Get Prince Charming Want to make a man fall head over heels in love with you? Use the jealousy card! Stumble upon a cottage that is inhabited with seven men and stay there while your boyfriend wanders around looking for you. When he finds out that you shared a home with seven other dudes, and didn’t take part in an orgy, he’ll just be dying to kiss you and sweep you off your feet. 想让男人爱你爱到死心塌地?试试让他嫉妒吃醋吧。随便找个住着七个男人的小屋住进去,等着你的男朋友找到这里来。等他发现你跟七个别的男人同处一室却相安无事,他会迫不及待地吻到你神魂颠倒的。 Ariel Teaches Us the Importance of Body Language Forget what you’ve read about communication being the key to a lasting relationship. Ariel proved that all you need is hot bod, lovable quirks like brushing your hair with a fork, and a bunch of helpful friends to do the talking and relationship-coaching for you. After all, true love’s kiss can solve everything from romantic woes to missing vocal chords. 什么沟通交流是维系一段感情的关键,都是骗人的。小美人鱼向我们证明:你只需要有个好身材,一些可爱的小怪癖。比如爱用梳子梳头发,还有一群乐于帮忙的朋友帮你沟通做你的爱情顾问。毕竟真爱之吻可以弥补一切——不管感情的伤痛还是失去的声音。 Jasmine Teaches Us It’s Okay to Talk to Strangers If you are greeted by a man in shabby clothes covered in dirt, definitely allow him to lead you down all sorts of dark alleys and abandoned buildings. If he has a pet monkey, even better! Always trust a man whose best friend is a wild animal. It shows he has a nurturing side. 要是你遇到一个衣衫褴褛满身污垢的男人,你一定得跟着他到各种暗巷和废弃的房子里逛逛。要是他有一只宠物猴就更好了。这种跟动物做好朋友的男人值得信任,这样温情的一面表示他值得栽培。 Background music: Dream lover