优才英语秀- Love yourself - Kelly何丹彤

优才英语秀- Love yourself - Kelly何丹彤

2016-02-12    03'48''

主播: 新东方优才计划

6742 277

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, this is Kelly and you are listening to the English show presented by the team Only for The Top One in Beijing New Oriental School. I bet you have got to know so many things about the New Year. All the traditions, events and even some tips. And I’m so sorry to tell you that Kelly is kind of going to ruin all the joyful festival atmosphere tonight. Because she is going to start today’s show with the things that should be avoided in the new year. If you happen to be doing one of things on the list, just stop! And if you have already done that, well, the holidays are about to end anyway. So let’s take a look. First, let’s check the most important category: food. And before we get down to details, there’s one thing I have to point out that is the things on the list may vary in different places of China. So don’t get too confused if it’s not exactly true in your hometown. China is a big country. When it comes to fish, which I believe is one of the most important dishes in the new year, wholeness is important so any fish (dish) is served whole instead of being cut into pieces. And cleaning is supposed to be done before the new year. Sweeping or dusting is not done on New Year’s Day for fear of sweeping away any good fortune. And scissors should be avoided as you might accidentally cut your good fortune. And for the same reason, you are also not supposed to wash your hair. And crying and borrowing are not also not encouraged to do on New Year’s Day. I think that’s pretty enough for the things that you are not supposed to do. Let’s talk about something cheerful. You know what, I experienced something inspiring in this Spring festival. On the New Year’s eve, I’m pretty sure that everyone went through various subtle and complicated feelings because we were strongly reminded that we are about to say goodbye to the past and this is the moment that everything started to flood in your mind. But when the sun rose the next day, everyone is feeling the exactly same way. That is hopeful. And I think that’s greatest thing about a new year. It brings hope to everyone no matter what you have been through in the past year. We can always count on the start of something new. I believe many of us have already made our plans or resolutions which I don’t know much about. But I kindly suggest that you put one more thing on your list and it is also the title of our song today. That is love yourself. Don’t forget to do that. And that’s all for today. Thanks for listening and wish you a loving year.