美国云产品遭质疑 阿里云加速布局

美国云产品遭质疑 阿里云加速布局

2014-06-04    04'52''

主播: 英语嘚吧嘚

401 7

There have been recent reports that over 100 financial institutions have switched from Western cloud services to Alibaba's Aliyun service, as they seek to avoid the 'IOE'. The IOE stands for the American technology companies IBM, Oracle and EMC. China Bohai Bank and Donghai Bank are among the financial firms that have started using Alibaba services. Alibaba Cloud Computing said it plans to provide services to more than 2,000 banks, brokerages, insurance companies and funds in the near future. Q: What is driving this sudden shift? And is this likely a short-term or long-term phenomenon? Q: Could this expand beyond just cloud services in the financial industry? Could it go to other industries? Could it go to more advanced IT products and services? Q: Are Chinese companies advanced enough to take over from Western technology leaders? Does this depend on the level of development?