

2015-05-12    03'02''

主播: 英语嘚吧嘚

1363 107

每周三期, 学单词,练听力,说口语,一次搞定。 A-Yo English! Today’s key word is primary. ([英][ˈpraɪməri][美][ˈpraɪmeri] adj.首要的,主要的; (教育)初等的,小学的。n.第一位; 最好者; 要素; 候选人提拔会; Eg: Primary education is given to pupils between the ages of 5 and 11.) Of chief importance 首要的 Eg: A matter of primary importance 头等重要的事情 Earliest in time or order of development (Brit.)a primary school 小学 or relating to education for children between the ages of about five and eleven All children in England will be expected to know up to their 12 times table when they leave primary school. David Cameron&`&s Conservative Party(保守党) has won in the UK 2015 elections over the weekend. In his victory speech outside of number 10 Downing Street, David Cameron has called the Conservative party&`&s policy a manifesto(宣言) for the working people and mentioned some goals he hopes to achieve. (Soundbite/ David Cameron) "Three million apprenticeships(学徒们,学生们), more help with childcare, helping 30m people cope with the cost of living by cutting their taxes(税收). Building homes that people are able to buy and own. Creating millions more jobs that give people the chance of a better future. It means giving the poorest people the chance of training, a job, and hope for the future. It means that for children who don&`&t get the best start in life, there must be the nursery education(幼儿教育) and good schooling that can transform their life chances. ” That was his victory speech outside the house. UK Conservative party to announce re-sits(重考) for pupils who fail at the end of primary school examinations. From September 2016 pupils deemed to have failed to reach the required levels will have two chances to sit retakes(补考). Education secretary Nicky Morgan talks about the tests students will take. (soundbite/ Nicky Morgan) Nicky Morgan is currently serving as Secretary of State for Education(教育大臣) in the UK. Notes: ---英国首相卡梅伦领导的保守党赢得议会超过半数席位,得以继续执政,卡梅伦成功连任首相。他在首相官邸唐宁街10号发表就职演说。演说中提到了为了英国教育的发展。 --他表示如果他连任成功,就要修改教育体制。任何小学生11岁毕业考如果英语和数学不及格的话,就要在中学第一年补考,考到过关为止。。。 ---此前英国教育大臣,也曾经提到将来在小学毕业考试中失利的学生可以获得重考的机会。这些关于教育的新措施将有利于英国本土人才的成长,和教育公平性的实现。