【今日单词】Fitting room-神秘之地试衣间

【今日单词】Fitting room-神秘之地试衣间

2015-07-17    03'00''

主播: 英语嘚吧嘚

1349 125

Today's key word is fitting room A fitting room is a room in which you can change clothes. 试衣间,化妆间。 dressing room, changing room 也可以用来表示试衣间。 优衣库的试衣间用的是哪种表述,大家可以亲自去看一看哦。 If you want to try some dresses in a shop, you can ask the shop assistant--- May I try this on? Where is the fitting room? 我可以试试这件衣服吗?试衣间在哪里? Now let’s learn the word in the news. The "hottest" shopping destination in Beijing is the Uniqlo in Sanlitun. In a viral smartphone video posted online, a young couple can be seen having passionate sex in what appears to be a Uniqlo store fitting room. The footage went viral overnight, attracting millions of views and thousands of comments. Beijing police announced online that they had received complaints about the video and would investigate the case. Notes: -近几日,微博,微信被“三里屯优衣库试衣间”刷屏。 -原因想必大家都知道的哈。(一对情侣在试衣间不雅视频流传网上) -有人认为是优衣库的营销手段。 -目前该店已成为新的热门景点。 -警方已经介入调查。