【今日单词】Sparta-“斯巴达”半裸 “攻占帝都”

【今日单词】Sparta-“斯巴达”半裸 “攻占帝都”

2015-07-23    03'00''

主播: 英语嘚吧嘚

945 83

Today's key word is Sparta Sparta was a prominent city-state in ancient Greece. Now we also use it to describe someone who is very strong and brave. 斯巴达 There is a film related to Sparta called 300.(斯巴达300勇士) It tells a story about Sparta King, who leads 300 Spartans into battle against the Persian "god-King" and his invading(入侵) army of more than 300,000 soldiers. Now let’s learn the word in the news. On Wednesday, dozens of foreigners appeared in Beijing's Chaoyang district delivering food dressed as Spartans. They were wearing Spartan-like straps(皮带) and capes(披风). They traveled around central Beijing to promote a new restaurant product in Guomao subway station, overhead bridges in Sanlitun and Jianwai SOHO in Beijng's CBD. Later, some of them were detained by Beijing police, accused of disturbing public order. Notes: -近日,微博上传出众多“斯巴达勇士”在街头进行营销宣传时的图片,引来众多网友关注。 -数十名外籍美男,身着斯巴达式衣服,在地铁站等地方列队行进。 -虽然饱了路人的眼福,但由于围观人员过多,被民警叫停。 -你怎么看?在街上看到如此多肌肉发达的帅哥你做何感想呢?