文稿 Today’s key word is Amber Amber is fossilized (变成化石)tree resin(树脂), which has been appreciated for its color and natural beauty。 琥珀 Here is an example: Would you like an amber necklace for your birthday? 你过生日的时候想要一条琥珀项链吗? It is also a very popular name for foreigners. But the Amber that we are going to talk about today is a legend(传奇). 它就是旷世奇珍---琥珀屋 The Amber Room Long long time ago, 生活在德国一位土豪国王,命令当时最有名的建筑师,建造琥珀屋, the amber room, 以彰显皇家气质。建好以后,这位土豪国王the Prussian King Frederick William I看着这个耀眼的珍宝,一拍脑门,唉,这个当礼物不错啊! 于是,这位土豪就把the amber room 送给了俄罗斯的彼得大帝当信物。 The Amber room is decorated(装饰) in amber panels backed with gold leafs and mirrors。 坊间传言,此屋墙面镶嵌有无数的被称为“美人鱼的眼泪”的琥珀,此外壁板还以精湛的意大利珠宝镶嵌工艺饰以钻石、祖母绿和红宝石等等各类宝石,这些宝石加起来据说有6吨重。整个房间闪耀着从柠檬黄到金红色等人类可以想象的黄色系中一切的色彩。 Before the room was lost, it was considered an "Eighth Wonder of the World"(世界第八大奇迹。) 这么珍贵的屋子,就这样被送人了。只能说,土豪的世界你别猜,你猜来猜去也猜不明白~~~ 被拆开送到彼得大帝的Catherine Palace 凯瑟琳宫。 The Amber Room was reworked in Russia in a joint effort by German and Russian craftsmen(工匠). 就这样,the amber room 静静的在俄罗斯闪耀了几个世纪后,德国人来了。 纳粹军队入侵前苏联时,苏联人想着决不能给敌人留下一口粮食,一粒子弹,于是就准备把这屋子拆了带走。可发现,这些“人鱼的眼泪”早就干了,bia在了墙壁上,根本没时间一点点拆下来。 The Amber Room was therefore hidden behind mundane(普通的) wallpaper, in an attempt to keep German forces from seizing(夺) it. 然而这并没有什么卵用。 纳粹将军以迅雷不及掩耳到铃儿响叮当之势,就把琥珀屋打包带回家了。 那么问题来了,这个被抢去德国的宝贝,怎么就不见了呢。 话说,那是一个1945年冬天,Hitler has ordered the movement of the amber room. But before the army had the chance to move the room, the royal air force bombed the whole area. And no one ever see the Amber room in public. 这么多年来,关于琥珀屋的去向,传言颇多,但至今也没有人发现this mysterious Amber Room. 但是,but ,重点来了,上个月,有两个外国童鞋说他们在波兰找到了传说中的纳粹黄金列车,据说琥珀屋就在车上。怎么发现的呢,说是一位老人临死前说的,这位老人曾经是参与埋藏列车行动的士兵。 唉,这可信度就高了很多。波兰当局也出来说话了: ‘More Than 99% Certain’ Nazi Mystery Train Find Is Real!! What’s the story about the Gold Train? 这个黄金列车又是什么情况呢? 下次接着扒! Don’t forget we will hold the China-US University students’ dialogue on September 16th in NUY Shanghai, 上海纽约大学9月16日晚6点,记得来玩哦! See you next time!