

2015-11-12    04'26''

主播: 英语嘚吧嘚

2857 111

Lincoln: Alibaba has broken its sales record by five billion. That’s also around a fifty-five percent increase from last year. Wu You? Wu You: Alibaba this year has made the largest shopping day in history, and also Alibaba has the gross merchandise volume of over fourteen billion US dollars. But, to make people understand that better, as a comparison, the highest gross merchandise volume in history is set by the American Thanksgiving weekend sales, which is six point five billion US dollars, and this time Alibaba has made it to fourteen billion US dollars. Lincoln: Wow. Brian, that is an amazing amount of money. What, what does that tell you? Brian: It is shockingly large, I mean clearly, this, this is unprecedented. Obviously, this, this Single’s Day sales event has been going on for several years and they sold billions in the past, but this is certainly quite, quite a bit more than years before, you know, not a hundred percent more but a lot more there, and it’s not just Alibaba. You know, obviously, they’re the biggest player here, but JD, Amazon, other smaller competitors so, this, this – if you talk about Alibaba, you’re only getting to part of the whole thing. Lincoln: Shaowen? Shaowen: Well, it’s, to me it’s good, both good thing, but with concerns, of course. After all, it’s a holiday-like festival. Figures there, there’s supply, there’s demand, and buyers and sellers. Some of them were celebrating, say, a symbolic way, like a carnival. After all, it’s (a) good, of course, it’s not panic buying, it’s not sluggish demand, nor sluggish supply. So, people are buying what they need, and, or sometimes buying what they don’t need, but they enjoy the procedure – some are say, say, frustrated. But you know, say remember that when we’re talking about the downward pressure or trade sluggish, think about the previous National Day holiday, so many people going outside and buy buy buy, and going inside tourism places and pay and pay and pay, and then see crowded places. It’s also a – with concerns. When Premier Li Keqiang yesterday’s had a meeting, said that we were still continue to encourage people to go outside and to go to various places (in) the country, to continue buying whatever they choose. Second thought, you know, on the positive side, we saw Alibaba’s chairman CEO or chairman Jack Ma, very often the person who accompanies the president in his state visit, and seeing foreign dignitaries and political leaders, state leaders or government heads – this is good, but, this time, the platform is only provided in English. If for potential buyers in other countries who don’t speak English or who – potential sellers with advertisements not in English available, then what if they provide a more universal language so that every, those more buyers and sellers can be involved, and from a Chinese carnival to an international carnival involving all. It catches attention of the whole society, even of those who don’t buy, and catches attention of the, the media worldwide, even if, when they are not directly involved. It’s media involved, it’s entertainment stars that are involved – it’s like a created holiday. Wu You: But I just come up with an idea - so is this quite a competition of the prices? In that case, online shopping or e-commerce giants, if they are only attracting people with the charm of discounts, so does it go to the passive competition? I mean if everyone is competing of the lower prices, in that case, no other shop will produce goods with high quality anymore. So who benefits from it? The merchandise(rs). And who will be harmed by this? The consumers. That is my concern. And then I have a hope, I have a dream, as Martin has said. Maybe in the future, more certain supervision or more monitor role should be involved to better regulate this kind of market. Lincoln. Mmm. Shaowen, your thoughts on that? Shaowen: Yeah, definitely we need say…regulation first, or temporary regulation first, before we can introduce laws, regulations in a better way to make sure that the online market is a healthy market.