LW: A new video has surfaced highlighting the plight of the so-called Instagram Husband. Now Wu You, what exactly is that?
WY: A Instagram video’s made by a husband has gone viral online. It has been viewed for more than 1.7 million times. And a video is highlighting the poor partners who are stuck miserably photographing their loved ones. [LW: Okay] Just like the wives are telling the husbands take a photo of me again, and again. And the husband said in the video that “My name is Jeff, and I am an Instagram Husband.” He added that “behind every cute girl on Instagram is a guy like me.”
BK: “Hi, my name’s Jeff, and I am an Instagram Husband”. It’s like, it’s like Alcoholics Anonymous.
LW: Yeah, except you don’t do it, you’re just taking the picture aren’t you? [BK: Yeah…] I love that they also aren’t in the picture. I love that the wives have said no, you don’t get to be in this one, they haven’t asked someone else to take it – they’re like, no you take a picture of me.
BK: Yeah, I – we should say that this video is a joke, and the point, I think, that they’re going at is that this whole Instagram stuff gets ridiculous, not that women are the culprits here, it’s that this whole thing is. And I’m sure they could do a video about Instagram Wives - [LW: Could they?] I bet they could. Maybe, you would be harder pressed to find as many people; maybe women are more guilty than men, but it’s not a gender thing overall – it’s a social media narcissism that we face.
LW: You know, within any joke there’s a kernel of truth there, so maybe he is somewhat resentful of the fact that he always has to take the photo and never gets to be in the photo, which is a sad thing for me, because we both went to – have this amazing meal, but only you get to say that you went there and…
WY: And what’s more, one of the husbands said that I have to delete all the apps of my cell phone just to make more room for more photos. That is really sad…
LW: How sad is that? I’m starting to feel sad for this guy…
WY: But, but someone loved it. In the video, another husband said that he’s more positive. He was asking his wife to pose for a shot and also shouts “I love my wife so much”.
LW: I think it’s very interesting, just looking at Instagram culture as well, because it takes – I know we spoke a while about a young Instagram model who actually said that, you know – [WY: She want to quit.] yeah, the behind the scenes stuff, when it comes to this is not always as glamorous as you finally see, and – so I think it’s interesting that we’re seeing increasingly people are not just satisfied with whatever’s scrolling down their timeline, their also, you know wanting to see exactly how it got to the timeline. And then the people who are on the timeline – people are saying like no, actually I just took this photo. ‘Cause I often wonder about that. It seems like really lovely photos of maybe couples in a like, very passionate embrace, intimate embrace, and I’m always like, who took this photo. Who took that?
WY: To answer your question, that man we were saying deleted all the apps from his cell phone, he also said that “I am basically a human selfie stick”.
LW: If your job can be done by a selfie stick, that’s really sad.
WY: If they were enjoying it, what’s wrong with it?
LW: Yeah, obviously there’s a fair bit of humor in this, but I am actually seeing a couple of comments, a couple of online comments, and people have actually wanted to talk about the gender politics surrounding it, as well, which seems to have – oh, your rolling your eyes now Wu You, you’re not very impressed by that [WY: Come on…]. No, I feel it’s interesting, because there’s been some female commenters online saying that, yeah, well, I thought we were focusing on male gender, but I can see that already, you’re stating that women are crazy and narcissistic. There seems to be there’s two extremes of people saying this is just a classic men painting women as being a little bit crazy, and then the other side is this thing, well, yeah, women just use men for their own personal gain. So it seems to be like a large spectrum, and it’s a large, as usually the case with the internet.
BK: You’re curating your own digital museum of yourself, trying to paint this absolutely wonderful portrait to show to the world that is not necessarily very real at all.