电影院里发微信 不用看眼色了

电影院里发微信 不用看眼色了

2016-04-15    03'56''

主播: 英语嘚吧嘚

8686 79

W: Now, would you want to go to a “texting-friendly” theater? Bluntly, Brian, the answer is no, but I’m sure there’s a little bit more behind this. So this AMC theaters, which is actually owned by China’s Wanda, and now the biggest theater chain in the US. They are considering making quote “text-friendly” theaters. The details are not clear yet – there was a kind of an interview with the magazine “Variety” with the CEO Mr. Aron, and he was talking about how he might be thinking about that, they could do something but it’s not gonna be an immediate thing, and they’re only gonna do it if they’re sure they can satisfy the needs of all customers. I think there’s a way that this can work, not that it necessarily would, but it seems possible. LW: Wu You, what do you think? WY: I think this is simply a promotion, so, other than that, I still remember last time I saw the “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”, that was a good movie, but I saw someone in front of me in that row, they keep playing their cell phone, and was so bright, and they keep on doing it for ten minutes, and that was the fantastic part of the movie when they were fighting in the forest [LW: yeah], and they just keep seeing their WeChat moments, and whatever [LW: Ughhh] and so annoying [LW: This is very annoying to me]. And also, I want to add another point is that, sometimes I can understand there can be some emergency situation when people really got important things to do, they need to text back at this moment. [LW: Leave.] I can totally [LW: You can leave the theater] understand that. Exactly. They can just stand up and just use [LW: Just go] another corner or just, without [annoying] other people – that can be done. LW: If there’s something so pressing that it could be an emergency, either it can wait an hour, or you shouldn’t be going to the movies. Actually, on Monday, Zootopia, which we then spoke about, watching the little – ‘cause they have the little warnings, the little cartoon warning: “please be quiet”, “please be respectful of others”, and one of the warnings was “please don’t bring any stinky food with you”, please don’t bring any foul-smelling food into the theater, and I thought, how many times did this happen in Chinese theaters that this had to be a problem, that someone was sitting there, watching Zootopia, eating their stinky tofu, making it hard for other people to concentrate on the thing. I thought that was so interesting. I’ve never seen a warning like that. But in South Africa, a big problem is when people bring in their own snacks. So is that a thing that people do in China, in the cinema? Is that allowed, or is it not? WY: It is allowed to some extent, if you’re simply chewing some candy or something [LW: Yeah], I think it is allowed, but not those kind of huge cuisine or [LW: No] chicken wing, or something. LW: No, if you bring in your chicken – if you’re bringin’ in your chicken wing and all of that nonsense, that’s not going to work, but I remember in South Africa, specifically people got very upset if you, for example come in, and you had like a, like a big bag of crisps, and they were rustle a lot when you ate [BK: Yeah, yeah]. Or like a bag Doritos or nachos and you would crunch loudly while Will Smith was running across the screen, so that always was a big problem. WY: You know, another situation I come across is that, people are talking, but not about other things, but about the movie, behind me, and they were loudly enough that I could hear them when I was watching “Fast and Furious 7”. People in the back, simply talking about like, “Okay, in the next minute, they will do that ([LW: Ohhh…]). Oh, in the next minute, ([LW: Oh wow…]) they will do that. In the next minute ([LW: Wu You]), that car will fly!” [LW: Wu You, no] I was so annoyed! LW: You are, you are allowed in that point in time, to get up behind them, and give them a stern talking to [WY: Live broadcast!]. I’m enraged on Wu You’s behalf. I’m so angry that this thing has happened to her, and it hasn’t even happened to me. I’m so incredibly upset by this nonsense. The other problem is also, is kids: I love watching animation things, and that’s a problem, ‘cause kids have trouble being in a theater sometimes. It’s very difficult for them. Like I – like, again, when I went to go watch on Monday, there was kids there, and I was like, it’s ten o’clock on a Monday night, like what are you – shouldn’t these kids be in bed? Why are they running around ruining my movie? I paid a hundred and fifty kuai to go see this thing, they didn’t pay anything! They just…