

2016-06-07    03'24''

主播: 英语嘚吧嘚

1504 83

20160606ou 一中两外锵锵三人行 今日话题:网红养成指南 LW: A guide to becoming an online Chinese celebrity. Wu You, maybe you can continue that trend. WY: Recently an article on Chinese Quora-like website Zhihu has talked about how to become an online celebrity in China. Here are some tips: it joked about number one, get the look. Let me just tell you what is the look. The pointed chin, the Roman nose, smooth and pale skin, and the snake-spirit face (蛇精脸). BK: I’m gonna first wonder, how many people naturally look like this, and I feel like the answer is not very many. You’ve got a pointed, sharp tin – to me, that looks unnatural. WY: Some even have the chin sharper than a tin opener, so that is why you can see that [BK: That’s…] it is really some tricks. You know that in China, one cosmetic surgery company gained more than ten million users in just two years, and it’s latest round of financing saw investment of some 50 million US dollars. LW: You see that on Instagram as well. It’s not just a Chinese thing. [BK: Yeah] It’s a very different look, but the kind of, the underlying principle remains the same, where it’s just kind of a very, to a large extent, very homogenized look that is considered to be “the look”. And on Instagram, maybe it’s a bit more exotic, you know, you have a great tan, nice full lips, big eyes, these high, like really high cheekbones, the people nyehh…but, that seems to be the thing on Instagram, so I mean this is not surprising. WY: And number two, selfie, selfie, selfie. And also there are some tricks, because nowadays, they have selfie stick, that you can hold your phone as far as you can make it, and 45 degrees up to your face and got the better light, and got the better angle, and then [click]. LW: Yeah, it’s just a little trick you have to make sure the sun is in front of you? You don’t want the light behind you. That’s a little photography tip for you, if you’re taking that selfie trying to become famous. Go ahead, Wu You. WY: Becoming a ‘Big V’. So here are several aspects to consider when you look to establish yourself as an online icon: just to have some key opinion[s], and be a key opinion leader. BK: It’s just like a solely, kind of – not so much like a celebrity in a visual sense, but okay, like: this person is famous for having a lot of opinions on stuff. WY: And after finish all the above, final step is: cash. [BK: Yes] [LW: Ooh.] So number five: the fan factory – turning followers into hard, cold, cash. Combining a big online influence with e-commerce can always bring huge commercial potential. Just like one famous online influencer runs an online Taobao shop, and then using her fans, she can rake about one hundred million RMB, which is around 15 million US dollars a year. BK: Right, right. I don’t really get how this is, ‘cause you see fans, you see online people of various sorts there, some with these – maybe some they, maybe they play video games online and people watch them, and people will like buy their stuff or even just like, you know, maybe they’ll pay for a digital currency and give them like these digital gifts that people can make money off of. [LW: Yeah, well…] And some people, some fans are really into that; I don’t get it. LW: Yeah, well, ‘cause that’s kind of the thin edge of the wedge, is like converting what seems to be kind of human capital, and converting that into actual capital. I think if you’ve made it to this point in time, you can sit back and almost let the money roll in almost, ‘cause it seems like, ‘cause [BK: Well…] it seems like the hard work’s basically done. WY: You need to work hard on that LW: No, I’m working hard up until that point.