

2016-06-22    03'01''

主播: 英语嘚吧嘚

1561 79

20160622ou 一中两外锵锵三人行 今日话题: 最热夏天来袭!颤抖吧地球人! Lincoln: Now, things got a little too hot to handle for some students in China. Wu You, you will have to elaborate a little bit more on that. Yoyo: Now in China’s Henan Province, student[s] in Zhengzhou University have to flee their dorms for [the] library to beat the heat. Brian: They have to flee – notice the choice [LW: Flee, the heat] of words here. Yoyo: So days are getting hotter, and since yesterday is the summer solstice in China, it signifies the first official day of summer. Xinhua news reports that apparent temperature in many cities in China’s Jiangsu province is 40-41 degrees Celsius. And for people to better understand it, it’s about 104 Fahrenheit degrees. Brian: Thank you Wu You, for your generosity towards those [LW: Thank you for helping, helping those…] of us from North America. Lincoln: …who would actually say that. I would actually say that, I, love it. I love summer [Yoyo: Oh Lincoln], I love that it is hot, that you get a good sweat on, you know you’re going outside, whatever, whatever, I think it’s great. Brian: But go down south, Jiangsu…imagine 40 degrees, and 80 percent humidity. How ya feeling? Lincoln: That is the depths of hell. That is… Yoyo: In the southern part of China, people are feeling it’s like buns, in the steaming pot [BK: Yeah, yeah], and you’re in it 24/7. Lincoln: In my hometown, it gets particularly hot. I live near Cape Town in a little town called Wellington, and it gets really hot. My town is in a bit of a valley, so all the heat gets trapped. The heat that comes off the mountain, 47 degrees, 47 degrees Celsius, 48 degrees, we’ve seen that. Yoyo: Wouldn’t people faint? Lincoln: People don’t do anything. You don’t go outside. What you then do is you go sit in your car, because most people’s cars have air cons. Brian: California varies. Where I’m from, it’s similar to Cape Town in that, you know, this Mediterranean kind of climate, but it’s that, but also semi-arid, like the desert is not that far away from where I’m from, so I’m used to a dry heat. Lincoln: Come back to it – like when we used to walk to school, it was 45, 46 and we would have to walk 7:00, maybe school would start at 8. You would have to bring two shirts – one for your walk, and one for…because [WY: You’ll be so sweaty] by the time you get to school, you had to change your shirt. And also, like you’d have to keep the breaks, the recesses quite short, because if it’s too long, people would get into arguments. I do think that most fights start in the summer. Brian: ‘Cause in the summer, you’re unhappy, you go out, and there’s something wrong and you’re [ahhrrhhrh] whatever. Lincoln: Yeah, and also, quickly some tips, especially during this hottest days: first of all, maybe drink some green beans soup, and secondly, just try to not stay in the strong air conditioning places for too long, because it’s so hot outside and you might get a cold when you’re coming out from this. Lincoln: I can say that. I know a lot of people who, and I’ve been guilty of this in the past, sleep with the air conditioning on, and that’s a mistake, because when you leave, ‘cause when you leave, it can get really cold. Yoyo: And also in Chinese, we say it when you calm down inside, you will feel cooler outside – (心静自然凉). Just try to have your inner peace. Lincoln: So yeah – try and stay cool, try and stay out of the most of the sun, put on your sunscreen, enjoy your time.