

2016-08-01    03'10''

主播: 英语嘚吧嘚

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20160801ou 一中两外锵锵三人行 今日话题: ​华哥,呆萌,鹿晗组团打怪兽? 呆萌来演中国英雄 你觉得肿么样? 有歪果网友看完《长城》预告片的吐槽简直高能!让马特呆萌做主演,来演有关中国古代故事的电影适合吗? Lincoln: Now, Matt Damon has faced some backlash over his latest film. Nick, maybe you can tell us why. Nick: The trailer for a new, upcoming film ‘The Great Wall’ has been released; it’s only the first trailer that you get when the film is still in production but it’s already faced quite a bit of backlash. It has Matt Damon in it, and controversially, he seems to be the main actor, the lead hero of a film which is set during the construction of the Great Wall of China. Lincoln: I am fascinated by this. I don’t think they are stupid enough to make Matt Damon play a Chinese character. We don’t know the details of the plot at all, it’s just a trailer, what I am quite interested in is the idea that Matt Damon has made this film. You could make the argument that if Matt Damon didn’t appear in this film, would it still be made? Would people still be able to attract the financing, the marketing budgets, the international exposure? I’d argue probably not. Nick: It does also have Willem Dafoe in it. Lincoln: It does have Willem Dafoe. Who’s watching the new Willem Dafoe movie, Nick? Be fair. It does have Andy Lau. I’m very interested to see how this is going to play out. Yoyo? Yoyo: I’ve got a thousand words to say about this. First of all, as quoted in Taylor Swift’s song, I knew he was trouble. You know why? Because he’s always in trouble! Saving Private Ryan - Matt Damon is the leading character and America has to save him. In the movie Interstellar – Matthew McConaughey is trying to save Matt Damon and America has spent billions of dollars trying to save him. And in the latest The Martian – America has paid billions of dollars trying to save him, and with Chinese help! Because they are using our rocket, the Taiyang Shen. Everything is just trying to save Matt Damon! This time, Matt Damon is paying us back. Lincoln: This isn’t the first time Hollywood has done this. The impetus for the awareness around this trailer comes from the actress Constance Wu from the show fresh off the boat. She went in on Matt Damon, but she did also say towards the end “it’s not about blame, it’s not about blaming Matt Damon, the studio, or the Chinese financiers, it’s about awareness”. There’s only so many movies that can have Jet Li in or Jackie Chan in. They are the ones that have broken through. So, you know, get Matt Damon in there. Get Matt Damon in there. Get the experience, get the money, get all of those things, get the prestige that you deserve, and next time, put a Chinese face in front of it. Yoyo: I really like the phenomenon right now, it’s like more cooperated films have been made because you can see the latest movies like Mission: Impossible and also 007 they are introducing more Chinese characters into the films and also shooting parts of the plots in China, so that means we are nurturing the industry and then people get to know more about China and the Chinese actors, maybe in the future another leading role is a Chinese guy. Nick: Apparently having Matt Damon in your film is the latest tactic to appeal to China, we’ll have to wait and see how that works out for them. It’s due to be released next year, in 2017.