奥运趣闻 之 "洪荒の女"

奥运趣闻 之 "洪荒の女"

2016-08-09    01'59''

主播: 英语嘚吧嘚

1541 112

20160809ou 一中两外锵锵三人行 今日话题:奥运趣闻 之 "洪荒の女" Lincoln: We’re going to take a look at the Olympics; there’s been a lot of action, most of it in the swimming pool. Michael: I was struck by a particular event. We spoke about how yesterday it’s not just about the winning it’s about the spirit of being at the games. There was one event, I think it was the ladies breast stroke where the Chinese candidate (I think her surname was FU) Fu Yunhui that’s right. She tied with a Canadian both receiving bronze medals and the camera was following her as she was walking away from the podium, and she was so happy and she was waving at the camera and smiling and cheering and showing two fingers to the camera and I though that was such a lovely moment. She was clearly so happy to have won an Olympic medal. Lincoln: And she’s become a bit of an online sensation in China hasn’t she? Her entire speech, her demeanor, her bubble personality has come through and a lot of Chinese citizens on the internet have taken quite a liking to her. Yoyo: So when she came back from the first the reporter was asking her, “what do you think of the race just now? You’ve already made it at 58 seconds”? She said; “I thought it was 59 seconds, oh that was fast, I’m so satisfied”. When they asked if she’s still reserving strength for the final tomorrow, she said “no I didn’t hold back I gave my all”. She continued to say that she used her “pre-historical power’. Lincoln: Hang on now, “pre-historical power”, that’s a very strange thing to say. Did she just come up with that on the spot? Yoyo: It’s from a Chinese idiom . It comes from a Chinese pop TV series. There’s one fairy in the TV series, she has the power to destroy the universe. She said that she used her power to destroy the whole universe, that she gave it her all and that she used pre-historical powers. Internet users really liked her.