76 Plan to Stay Open
AT THE BEGINNING of your day, using your own language, encourage yourself to keep your heart open, to remain curious, no matter how difficult things get. Then at the end of the day when you’re just about to go to sleep, review what happened. You may notice that the whole day went by and you never once remembered what you had aspired to do in the morning. Rather than using that as ammunition for feeling bad about yourself, use it as an opportunity to get to know yourself better. Use it to see all the funny ways in which you trick yourself, all the ways in which you’re so good at zoning out and shutting down. If you don’t want to do the bodhichitta practices anymore because it feels like a set up for failure, generate a kind heart toward yourself. Reflecting over just one day’s activities can be painful, but you may end up respecting yourself more. You’ll see that there are many changes in the weather of a day; we’re never just one way or another. The more you’re willing to open your heart, the more challenges come along.