

2015-09-11    19'05''

主播: yoga_yj

115 31

生活话题100; 03 智商和情商: 1 words and expressions: altruist:利他主义者;assess:评定,估价;book smart:读书聪明的;compliment:赞扬; empathy:同理心;identify:认清;intelligent:聪明的;manipulative:善于操纵的; mission:使命;motivation:动机;negative emotions:负面情绪;put simply:简而言之; self-awareness: 自我认知;self-regulation: 自律; 2 useful sentences: *EQ vs IQ: 情商vs智商;EQ :emotional quotient; IQ:Intelligence Quotient; 1)Do you know what the difference is between IQ and EQ? 你知道智商和情商的区别吗? 2)Put simply, IQ is about how book smart you are whereas EQ is about how emotionally intelligent you are. 简单来说,智商是读书有多聪明,而情商是情感上有多聪明。 3)You know, lots of people say that Emotional Intelligence is more important than IQ. 你知道吗?很多人说情商比智商重要得多。 *EQ:情商 4)Self-regulation involves controlling or redirecting your negative emotions and adapting to different situations. 自我约束包括控制或者调整你的负面情绪,适应不同的环境。 5)Social skill is basically down to managing relationships to influence them to do what you want them to do. 社交能力基本上是指维持人际关系并影响他人,以便让他们做你需要的事。 6)Being empathy is about considering other people’s feelings, especially when making decisions. 同理心是指考虑别人的感受,尤其是在做决定的时候。 *A person with high EQ: 情商高的人; 7)He’s a people person. 他就是个为他人着想的人。 8)He’s the biggest altruist I know. 他是我认识的最利他的人。 9)You always seem to do things with other people in mind. 你做事时总想着别人。 10)You tend to know what your strengths and weaknesses are. 你知道自己的优缺点所在。 11)It’s like he’s on a personal mission to make people happy. 好像他的人生使命是为了让别人开心似的。 12)He’s not the smartest person in the world, but he really gets people. 他不是世界上最聪明的人,但是他和人们交往很有一套。 3 dialogue: Owen: Dana, do you know what the difference is between IQ and EQ? 达娜,你知道智商和情商的区别吗? Dana: Put simply, IQ is about how book smart you are whereas EQ is about how emotionally intelligent you are. 简单来说,智商是读书有多聪明,而情商是情感上有多聪明。 Owen: So what does it mean to be emotionally intelligent? 那情感上的智慧是什么意思? Dana: You know, being able to identify, assess and control your own emotions and of those around you. 你知道的,能够认清,评价以及控制自己和周围人的情绪。 Owen: So what would a highly emotional intelligent person be like? 那情商高的人有什么特点呢? Dana: There are a number of theories out there about EQ, but one looks at five main constructs, the first of which is self-wareness.关于情商有好几种理论,其中一种包括五个组成部分。首先是自我认知。 Owen: I can see how that is very important. 我能看出这点非常重要。 Dana: Yes. In fact I think you are quite self-aware. You tend to know what your strengths are and weaknesses are. 是的。其实我觉得你的自我认知就很好。你知道自己的优缺点所在。 Owen: Thanks, I’ll take that as a compliment. 谢谢,我把这当做夸奖啊。 Dana: As you should. The next one is self-regulation. 应该的。第二是自我约束。 Owen: What does that mean exactly? 确切地说,这是什么意思? Dana: That involves controlling or redirecting your negative emotions and adapting to different situations. 包括控制或者调整你的负面情绪,适应不同的环境。 Owen: That is quite a skill. I find that hard to do sometimes.这可是个技术。我觉得有时候很难做到。 Dana: Me, too. But imagine how difficult it would be to do if you weren’t aware of your emotions from the start. 我也是。但想想要是你一开始没有意识到自己的情绪,情况会变得有多难吧。 Owen: It would be nearly impossible, wouldn’t it? How about the third skill? 那就根本没法儿控制了,是不是,第三个是什么? Dana: That would be the social skill, which is basically down to managing relationships to influence them to do what you want them to do.社交能力,基本上是指维持人际关系并影响他人,以便让他们做你需要的事。 Owen: So someone who is manipulative, then? 也就是善于操纵人的特点。 Dana: I guess you culd say that. 我想可以这么说。 Owen: And the fourth one? 那第四点呢? Dana: That would be empathy. You know, considering other people’s feelings, especially when making decisions. 同理心。你知道的,考虑别人的感受,尤其是在做决定的时候。 Owen: That’s something you’re really good at. You always seem to do things with other people in mind. What’s the final one? 这点你很擅长。你做事时总想着别人。最后一点是什么? Dana: That last one is motivation, being driven to achieve for the sake of achievement. 最后一点是激励你取得某项成就的动机。 Owen: As opposed to what? 比如针对什么的? Dana: Well, people are motivated by all kinds of things. Some people are motivated by the need to do something good. 嗯,什么都可以以当动机。有些人会把做好事当动机。 Owen: That’s my dad. He’s the biggest altruist I know. It’s like he’s on a personal mission to make people happy. He’s not the smartest person in the world, but he really gets people, you know what I mean? He’s a people person. 我爸爸就是这样。他是我认识的最利他的人。好像他的使命就是为了让别人开心似的。他不是世上最聪明的人,但是他和人们交往很有一套。你知道我什么意思吗? 他就是个为他人着想的人。 Dana: You know, lots of people say that Emotional Intelligence is more important than IQ. What do you think about that? 你知道吗?很多人说情商比智商重要很多。你怎么想? Owen: Well, it’s something to consider. I wouldn’t mind reading more about it. 哦,这个值得思考。我要多读点这方面的内容。