Lesson 25 Analyzing and solving a problem 下篇;
Part Three: Business Words:
1.Flexibility. n. : 灵活性;
The focus of our training is to provide the degree of flexibility needed for the job.
2.Forwarder n 运送者,运输业者;
You should only use a forwarder with a good reputation,and not trust the cheapest one.
3.Fragmented adj 不完整的,无条理的;
His presentation was so fragmented that nobody could understand the message.
4.Gimmick n 引人注意的花招,噱头;
He tried every marketing gimmick he could think of.
5.Glut n 供应过剩; v超量供应;
The bumper season has created a glut in farm produce,resulting in lower prices.
6 gross adj 总的; v 总收入为;
There is a very small increase in the gross earnings of the company over the last quarter. 公司的总收入较上一季度有小幅度的增长。
7 haggle v 砍价,争论;
It takes a combination of experience, skill and cunning, to haggle effectively, but it can also be an enjoyable exercise.
Part Three: Lesson 25 Analyzing and solving problems;
Balance 平衡;Blame批评;Cafeteria自助餐厅;Complain抱怨;
Client base 客户群;Draft a policy 草拟一项政策;Get fed up with 不堪忍受;
Office hours 上班时间;On schedule 按时;On the condition 在…条件下;
On time 按时;Once in a while 有时候;Set a policy 制定政策;
Set rules 制定规则;Surf the web 上网;
3.Useful Expressions:
1.We have a problem with some of our staff members.
2.Some of our staff have been complaining about working too much overtime lately.一些员工抱怨说最近加班加得太多。
3.We’ve had quite a few complaints lately about people not responding to emails. 近来我们收到了很多怨言,针对那些不回复邮件的人。
4.I’ve noticed that they are spending a lot of time surfing the web during office hours. 我发现他们常在上班时间上网。
5.I think it sets a bad example for the other employees. 我觉得这会对其他员工产生负面影响。
6.Our client base has been steadily growing, so everyone’s workload has been increasing. 我们的客户数量正在稳步增加,所以大家的工作量也持续增加。
7.We can’t really blame them for going online once in a while, because we never set any rules about Internet use. 我们不能因为他们有时候上上网就批评他们,因为我们也从来没有针对网络的使用进行规定。
8.People need to have a balance between their work and personal life. 人们需要平衡工作和个人生活。
9.Do we know why they left? It’s possible that they were fed up with all the changes. 我们知道它们为什么离开吗? 可能是因为他们厌倦了所有的变化吧。
10.It could have something to do with the fact that they simply underestimated the amount of work that this project would require. 这可能与他们低估了这个项目所需要的工作量有关吧。
11.Perhaps they would prefer to work on more short-term projects than a few long-term projects? 比起一些长期项目来说,或许他们更喜欢从事较为短期的项目吧。
12.How can we solve this problem? 我们怎么解决这个问题呢?
13.I’ll ask HR to draft a policy. 我会让人力资源部草拟一项政策。
14.What if we put a process in place so that people work from home specified days? 如果我 们实行一个恰当的程序便于员工在家完成工作 怎样?
15.Why don’t we set a policy limiting personal Internet usage to half an hour
per day?我们为什么不制定一项政策,将每天因私事上网的时间限定为半小时。
16.After we’ve reviewed it, we can send it out to all employees. 我们审定内容后,就可以将这些政策发给全体员工。
17.We’ll have to look into that. Thanks for updating us on that.我们必须调查一下。谢谢你让我们及时知道此事。
Dialogue 1:
Jeremy:Carl,I’ve noticed that Brad and Phoebe are spending a lot of time surfing the web during office hours-checking their personal email and stuff like that.Ithink it sets a bad example for the other employees.
Jeremy: Carl, 我发现Brad 和Phoebe常常在上班时间上网——要么是看私人邮件,要么就是干类似的私事。我觉得,这会对其他员工产生负面影响。
Carl:Are they getting their work done on time?
Jeremy:Yes, they always finish their projects on schedule.
Carl:We can’t really blame them for going online once in a while, because we never set any rules about internet use.
Carl: 我们不能因为他们有时候上上网就批评他们,因为我们也从来没有针对网络的使用进行规定。
Jeremy:I have an idea. Why don’t we set a policy limiting personal Internet usage to half an hour per day, on the condition that they finish their assigned work . What do you think?
Jeremy: 我有一个办法。我们为什么不制定一项政策,在他们已经完成份内工作的前提下,将每人每天因私事上网的时间限定为半小时。你觉得怎么样?
Carl:That sounds fair and reasonable. I’ll ask HR to draft a policy. After we’ve reviewed it, we can send it out to all employees.
Carl: 听上去挺公平合理。 我会让人力资源部草拟一项政策。我们审定内容后,就可以将这些政策发给全体员工。
Jeremy: 太好了。
Dialogue 2:
Nathan: Melissa, some of our staff have been complaining about working too much overtime lately.
Melissa:I know. Our client base has been steadily growing, so everyone’s workload has been increasing.
Melissa: 我知道。我们的客户数量正在稳步增加,所以大家的工作量也持续增加。
Nathan: If we keep asking our employees to come in on evenings and weekends, some of them may get fed up and decide to quit. People need to have a balance between their work and personal life.
Nathan: 如果我们继续要求员工再晚上或周末来加班,有些员工可能会不堪忍受,决定离职。人们需要平衡工作和个人生活。
Melissa:Well, with business going so well, I think we can afford to hire one or two new employees.
Nathan: That’s true. Also, I’ve heard about local businesses that hire unpaid interns from nearby high schools and universities. If the interns do a good job and enjoy the experience, they may become full-time employees after graduation.
Melissa:Good thinking. It’s almost lunch time now. Let’s go down to the cafeteria and we can discuss this further. 这个想法不错!差不多到了吃午饭的时间了。我们下楼去自助餐厅边吃边聊吧。