

2017-12-25    37'07''

主播: yoga_yj

212 25

Lesson 30 Applying for a new project 申请立项 Part One: foreign trade dialogues: Meet at the airport机场迎接 A:Excuse me, but are you Mr. Green from Britain? 您好,您是从英国来的格林先生吗? B:That's it. I am Joe Green. You must be Wang Yong from the Textile Import and Export Corporation. 是的,我是乔·格林。您一定是纺织品进出口公司的王勇吧。 A:Yes. Nice to meet you, Mr. Green. 正是。很高兴见到您,格林先生。 B:Nice to meet you too, Mr. Wang. Now let me introduce my family. This is  my wife, Mary, and this is my son, Tom. 很高兴见到您,王先生。噢,让我来介绍一下我的家人,这是我妻子玛丽,这是我儿子汤姆。 A:How do you do?你们好! B:How do you do, Mr. Zhang?您好,张先生。 A:Let me help you with your luggage.我来帮您拿行李吧? B:No, thanks. I can manage it. 不,谢谢,我能行。 A:Did you have a good flight, Mr. Green? 旅途愉快吧? B:Wonderful! Nice food and good service.很愉快,吃得好,服务也不错。 A:Anyhow, it's a long way to China, isn't it? And I think you must be very tired.不管怎样,来中国的路很漫长,不是吗?我想您一定累了。 B:Yes, I am, rather. But I'll be all right by tomorrow and ready for business.是的,我确实挺累的,不过,明天我就会好的,准备谈生意。 A:Now, Mr. Green, if all is ready, we'd better start for the hotel.格林先生,如果一切都准备好了,我们最好动身去宾馆吧。 B:I’d like to. Let's go.好的,我们走吧。 A:This way, please. Our car is waiting over there.这边请,我们的车在那边等着。 start for 动身前往,出发 e.g. I hope it's a good start for you.我希望这对您是一个很好的开始。 e.g. Now, Mr. Smith, if all is ready, we'd better start for the hotel. 史密斯先生,如果一切都准备好了,我们出发去宾馆吧。 First contact and greeting初次见面寒暄 A:Excuse me, are you Mr. Smith from London? I am the manager of Hong Da Trading Company. My name is Zhou Shan.打扰了,请问您是来自伦敦的史密斯先生吗?我是宏达贸易公司的经理,我叫周山。 B:How do you do, Mr. Zhou? I'm glad to meet you.你好,周先生。很高兴见到您。 A:How do you do! Welcome to Dalian.您好!欢迎您来到大连。 B:Thank you. It's very nice of you to meet me at  the airport.谢谢。谢谢您来到机场接我。 A:You are welcome. May I introduce my colleague Sun Fang? Miss Sun is our sales manager.别客气。请让我为您介绍我的同事孙芳,她是我们公司的销售经理。 B:Nice to meet you, Miss Sun.很高兴见到您,孙小姐。 A:Nice to meet you, too. I have heard a lot about you.我也很高兴见到您。早就听说过您。 B:Thank you.谢谢。 A:Did you have a good flight? 您旅途愉快吗? B:Not bad. There was a dense fog in London, so  the flight was delayed several hours. 还好。由于伦敦大雾导致飞机晚点几个小时。 A:I'm sorry to hear that.很遗憾。 C:How long did the flight take?飞机飞了多长时间? B:16 hours non-stop.16小时没停歇。 C:It must be a very tiring trip.那您一定很累坏了。 B:It is.是的。 A:So you need a good rest after such a long flight. We don't stand in your way.长途旅行后需要好好休息。我们就不占用您的时间了。 B:Thank you very much.非常感谢。 stand in your way挡住道路,在这里意为“占用你的时间”。 eg. It's too late. You need a good rest. I don't stand in your way. We can discuss it tomorrow.  太晚了。你需要好好休息。我不占用你时间了。我们明天再讨论这个问题。 eg. You simply realize that you can’t let fear stand in your way if you want to live your life consciously. 你只是发现如果你想活的清醒,就不能让恐惧阻挡你的道路。 Part Two: let’s write an email: 2-Dear Ms. Yuan, 亲爱的袁女士, Welcome on board! Thank you very much for your inquiry about our nylon spacer of May 26th . 欢迎加入我们,很高兴收到您5月26日关于我们尼龙垫片的询盘。 After checking your product drawing carefully, I would like to recommend our Model: 1-016. 在详细看了您给的产品图纸之后,我为您推荐我们的1-016号产品。 I found it’s the most similar one to your product. 我发现它和你们的产品非常相似。 Please kindly check our product specification and confirm whether this size is ok, then I could provide you other important information such as net weight, package and so on. 请查看我们的产品参数并确认其尺寸是否合适,然后我们可以为您提供其他重要信息,例如净重,包装等。 In addition, let me introduce our company briefly to you as below. 另外,请允许我向您简要介绍一下我们公司。 Our company is a manufacturer and specializing in kinds of plastic parts such as nylon spacer support, OEM parts and so on, our company was established in 2004 in Shenzhen, very close to the Shenzhen International Airport. 我们公司是专业生产各类塑料垫片的工厂,比如尼龙垫片,OEM部件等。我公司2004年成立于深圳,毗邻深圳国际机场。 We have Injection Depart by ourselves. Also we have many advanced testing equipments to control products quality and meet customers’ demands. This is our company website: 我司自有注塑车间,以及许多高级测试设备去控制产品质量和满足客户需求,这些可以在我公司网站上查看。 So please give me your feedback as soon as possible. 盼速复。 Best Regards Amy Part Three:Business Dialogue: Lesson 30 Applying for a new project 申请立项 1.Words: broaden 扩大;condo 公寓大厦; generate 产生; profitable 赚钱的;property 财产;proposal 计划书; renovation 装修;rent out 租出去;Smart phone 智能手机;tablet 平板电脑;undergo 经历; underperforming 业绩不好的; 2.Phrases: appreciate in value 升值;be worth doing 值得做……; cost estimates 预估成本;growing field 增长的领域; long-term investment 长期投资; mobile app development 移动应用软件;pay off 得到收益; real estate 房地产;service portfolio 业务面;staff requirements 人员要求;web design 网页设计; web-based software 网络软件; Dialogue 1: Agnes:Hi,Sylvester. What can I do for you? Agnes: 你好,Sylvester, 有事吗? Sylvester:If you have a couple of minutes, I’d like to talk to you about my idea for a new project.Sylvester: 如果你有时间的话,我想和你谈谈我对于新项目的想法。 Agnes: Sure, please have a seat .Agnes: 当然可以,请坐。 Sylvester: Thank you. Sylvester: 谢谢。 Agnes: So tell me about your idea.Agnes: 那么说说你的想法吧。 Sylvester: Well, the company has been doing very well with web design and web-based software. But I was thinking perhaps we could broaden our service portfolio。 Recently, several clients have been asking whether we could provide mobile app development services for smart phones and tablets. Sylvester: 是这样的,公司现在在网页设计和网络软件方面都做得很好,可是我在考虑,或许我们可以扩大业务面,最近,有客户问我们能否为智能手机和平板电脑开发移动应用软件。 Agnes: Hmm… Mobile app development is certainly a growing field. I think your idea is worth exploring further. If you can put together a proposal, including staff requirements, cost estimates, and so on, the other managers and I will be glad to consider it. Agnes: 嗯,开发移动应用软件当然是一个不断增长的业务领域,我想,你的建议值得进一步考虑,如果你能提出一份计划书,写清你对人员的要求,预估成本等信息,那么我和其他经理都愿意考虑一下。 Sylvester: Great, I’ll get started on that right away. Sylvester: 太好了,我马上就开始写。 Dialogue 2: Travis: I heard the current owners of Green Valley Mall are thinking about selling the property. Travis: 我听说,绿谷商城现在的老板在考虑把商城给买掉。 Sebastian: I heard the same thing. That mall has been under-performing for several years now. Sebastian:我也听说了,几年以来,那个商城的业绩一直不好。 Travis: But the location is really good. If the mall underwent some renovations, I think it would be quite profitable. Plus, there are several new condos being developed in that area. Travis:可是那地点确实很好。我想,那商城如果重新装修一下,就会很赚钱了,而且那附近正在修建几栋公寓。 Sebastian: Are you suggesting we buy the mall from the current owners? That kind of real estate investment would take a long time to pay off, wouldn’t it? Sebastian:你是说,我们买下绿谷商城,那样的房地产投资可要很长时间才能见收益吧? Travis: It would take several years, yes, but I think it would be a good long-term investment for our company. And even if the property doesn’t appreciate in value that quickly, we can still generate some returns by renting out the space. Travis:对,是要花几年时间才能收益。可是我觉得,对于公司来说,这是一项很好的长期投资,虽然那栋大楼不会很快升值,但是我们可以把楼租出去,这样可以得到一些回报。 Sebastian: Perhaps you’re right. I’ll discuss your idea with the other managers and see what they think about it. Sebastian:或许,你是对的。我会和其它的经理谈一谈,看看他们的想法。 Part Four: Business Words: 1.offshore adj 设在海外的; When the company decided to move part of their operations offshore, they knew it would impact on the employees. 当公司决定将部分业务转移至海外时,他们知道这会对雇员有所影响。 2.optimisation n. 最佳化,最优化; We are a leading internet marketing company, specializing in website design and search engine optimization(SEO). 我们是一家领先的网络营销公司,专门从事网站设计和搜索引擎优化(SEO)。 3.originality n 创意; Many businesses can make good use of people with a flair for originality. 许多企业能够充分利用员工的创意。 4.overcapacity n 生产能力过剩; The overcapacity of the present design was geared to meet the expected demand in the future. 目前的生产能力过剩是为了更好地满足预期的需求。 5.Pitch v 面向,定位于 The budget allowed for a multimedia sales pitch that involved television, the radio, the Internet and the newspapers. 预算为多媒体营销留出的费用,主要面向电视,电台,网络和报纸。 6. portfolio n 系列产品; The complete financial portfolio includes your 401k, brokerage accounts, house, car, student loans, etc. 完整的金融组合包括你的401计划,证券经纪账户,房,车,学生贷款等。 7 plummet v 暴跌,速降; The share market and the option market both allow short selling where big money can be made, particularly when the shares plummet. 股票市场和期货市场都允许抛空以获取大量金钱,尤其当股价暴跌时。