

2020-04-04    04'41''

主播: yoga_yj

2072 22

Life : Look at my empty pocket-03; 每月月底,囊中羞涩; 月底穷的叮当响: I shouldn’t have spent so much money at the beginning. 真不应该一开始就花那么多钱。 I can’t get by on such a small salary. 挣这么点钱,我活不下去啦。 I am so poor that I have nothing to eat. 我都穷到喝西北风了。 还是跟朋友借点钱吧: I can’t get through this month with such little money. 努力脱离“月光族”: I’ll establish a habit to keep a saving diary. 我要养成记账的习惯。 Save little and often, I won’t feel the pinch at the end of every month. 存小钱, 常存钱,月底就不会再缺钱啦! I’ll learn from others to have my own financial plan. 我要向别人学习,建立自己的理财计划。